No1 Special

Really? I don’t have a lot of salaried work experience, but from what I’ve seen salaried means you get paid that much whether you are there or not. The only gotcha being that if something goes wrong you are responsible, whether you were there or not.

Did this a while back, but I used just the transformer connected to a plug, instead of the whole microwave. The results can be WOW or MEH, depending on type of wood, how much liquid you use, and how powerful the transformer is.

Frankly I’m surprised they aren’t literally terrified for their lives. This country does NOT have a good history with regards to ANYTHING-Americans, where there was a conflict with the “ANYTHING”. The most obvious example off the top of my head being the concentration camps for Japanese-Americans during WWII.

That’s how I’m feeling about Kieth Obermann. He seems to have a pretty good reputation overall. After watching a couple of his videos though... I couldn’t help but think the video sounds just like the bonkers videos we get from the right. Even if he is accurate, his delivery screams “loosen the tin foil”.

I’m sure there are MANY articles they could slap him around with. I always liked article 134. The “we don’t have anything specific but you are being an ass” article.

How much are people trusting Claude Taylor? Seems to have a following and be accurate on a decent amount. I ask because he had this to say:

Probably... Still makes me curious though.

I don’t make predictions or guesses. Too many times left feeling dumb. I’m just curious... Are they just guessing, or what the F is going on?

What do you make of this:

That would be Chris, the son from Family Guy.

Yea I have an 06 model 3, so I don’t have to touch the cams. No way I’m undoing all that to install those washers. I have the one to go behind the crank pulley though.

That bolt is the only part I’m worried about. If I mess up the when I torque that bolt I have to take it out and wait for another one to come in. Good luck to you too!

Really? That’s interesting. I just harvested a 2.5L out of a Fusion to swap into my Mazda 3. I’m gonna go out on a limb and say that the Fusion 2.5 is a step up from the head gasket munching POS’s that were in the early 90's Temp.

Sounds like your mom is the best troll

Be careful. My uneducated guess is that the higher pain threshold allows you to push beyond your normal limits without feeling it.

When it comes to singles or couples, I can agree that this is all highly location-based. I’m sure there are people in So-Cal or New York who find these things to be a great deal. For families though, they are almost universally more wasteful than helpful.

It’s easy enough as long as you avoid the “organic” labelled stuff.

Yea... I feed a family of 5, and we budget $10/dinner. I’m not talking garbage either. $10 can get a large bag of leg quarters, a bag of potatoes, butter, and eggs, and we keep butter and seasonings as a staple. That’s fried chicken and mashed potatoes. Or how about a half pork loin, corn on the cob, and a few plums,