No1 Special

Was just about to post EXACTLY this. Then figured I should see if someone beat me to it. Good job.

You don’t have to tell me. After 20 years of people going “huh??”, you adjust how you say things to get the idea across the easiest, even if it’s not the most accurate.

Oh definitely! I’m a random Gen-Yer that has a basic working knowledge of Terminal. The FBI certainly has specialized software and people trained specifically to handle such a task, even though they probably could’ve done it with freeware downloaded from the internet.

I pointed this out on another thread... I have a database linked to over 70,000 files, and using a shell script (looping grep) I can search the entire database in about 20 minutes. 650,000 would still take less than a day.

^^Definitely factual regarding speed... I have a database linking about 70,000 files, and bash + grep can search ALL of it in about 20 minutes on my 5 year old computer.

THANK YOU for that reasoned response! Honestly, I personally disagree with about 95% of what you said regarding economics and the 1%, BUT we do both agree that religion has no place in politics, and you seem to at least be intelligent enough not to drink the conspiracy theory Kool-Aid. (And I mean that in general. The

2 words: French Press

Too much work. Sharpen the crucifix.

I feel like the glitter bomb is much better than this.

The only thing I have to say about this is that either candy makes them very hyper very quickly because it has no fiber in it, or else there is a flaw in the scientific method.

A shocking percentage of low information citizens DO believe that is the case. It’s embarrassing how many people I’ve had to explain to why Obama can’t in fact declare himself king and kill the election.

Agreed. Also, bring back the pink goo! 6 years ago McDonalds chicken nuggets were SO superior to now McDonalds chicken nuggets.

“You can take your anger issues, and spend some time working on them.” FUCK YES

Haha I kind of agree, but also, if you google “Donald Trump jumping the shark”, there’s a story about it happening literally every month for the last year.

Niwdog’s Law applies this year.

Wow that’s crazy! I don’t have any experience of how early voting works. Based on what I’d read, it sounded like picking up a paper ballot and mailing it in. I guess it’s still not that much of an improvement in some places.

I wish more states did early voting. I looked it up, and I could only vote early if I will be out of the country or otherwise incapacitated, preventing me from voting on November 8th.

I guess I had it pretty good. It usually went something like:

I was thinking this article basically tears away any credibility Trump had with his supporters(even if they won’t see it). Would you go to a strip club and pal around with the people who are “obviously rigged and shilling for that nasty woman”.