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I can imagine them dropping it into someone's garden and the ensuing conversation; "well whose is it?? It didn't just drop out of the sky!" 

Hedging climate change: half the chips distributed on oil and gas and the other half evenly distributed between seawalls, moving vans and higher ground real estate. /s

“Amazon sees you need a new mower. Here are some recommendations.”

PBS Frontline is airing “Amazon Empire” tomorrow so timing is interesting.

Very well done. Brian is pretty much 102% correct. Give or take 2%.

If it shortens to every 15 days, then every 14 days, and so forth, we’ve got a problem.

Is that good or bad? Does the other 88.1% go to setting the doomsday clock, other admin, in-house concerned scientists salaries, concerned science consultants, and office space leases?

That was his middle finger. 

I don’t know why MBS had to use malware,Bezos sent me dick pics when I sent an email about my Amazon order being a day late.

We have a divided government, so that is an issue as others have suggested. But we also have a major problem with regulatory capture at the very agencies whose authority already enables them to pursue investigations of Facebook wrongdoing, all of which are run by chiefs appointed by the White House and confirmed by

The oil and gas companies will stop doing their thing as soon as their customers stop buying their products. 

Casual observer climate change education tips:

Man, never underestimate capitalists’ abilities to monetize youth movements, while maintaining status quo on its’ capital. Look at the tech industry for precedence. Fifteen or so years ago it was all about teen angst. Silicon Valley in 2005 was awash with low EQ teenage boys in hoodies disrupting shit, moving fast

With all due respect, go walk into fucking traffic you fucking fuck. People are dying.

Isn’t every picture of him a dick pic?

The big hair craze of the 1980s was pretty bleak. My god, all that hair spray. Other than that, I’d say climate change is pretty damn existentially bleak. But it will just gradually continue to get crazier and crazier for many many generations to come. So the problem is big and solutions will take time. It’s not like