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Prices went negative as oil producers looked to pay people to take oil off their hands owing to an ongoing overproduction crisis.

A number of airlines offered COLAs (company offered leave of absence) to employees back in 08 and that’s exactly what it is - you just stop coming to work and stop getting paid, but you keep your position/seniority, and if you’re lucky, your health benefits.

0 confirm name
5 are they in detention; if yes go to line 0; else
10 are they in detention: if no go to line 0; else go to line 0

Because it’s not a pandemic. 

One problem may be this: the global oil and gas industry has move beyond US and European headquartered majors like Exxon over the past 25 or so years. What western oil and gas companies say and do on climate change probably doesn’t matter all that much in a 100+ million barrel per day global market. The oil business

Ok now I’m terrified of MERS

Looks like Memaw’s favorite purple coat got a stain on the sleeve.

About the headline... Technically, the Apollo 13 never circled the moon, they just slingshot around the back of it and then went right back home again.

There’s always beach nourishment. All it just takes a huge dredge pump, several Caterpillar dozers and a trackhoe or two. Figure from Climate dot gov

Fun with numbers:

If you can’t find face mask on Amazon I am selling them on my Etsy Store. They are made from hand spun yarn made from the highest quality,non-GMO,organically grown hemp. The mask are then treated with ACV and colloidal silver which researchers on Facebook have proven kills COVID-19,cancer,AIDS and erectile

It’s always good to keep an open mind when troubleshooting inputs and outputs of a dynamic process. Despite sun’s energy, in terms of watts per square meter reaching the earth’s surface, pretty much staying the same over the past century, cycling a bit up and down every eleven years so, it’s probably still a good idea

Yeah, but the constant notifications isn’t worth it....