I agree, but Torch gets a pass because he tries to add a bit if whimsey to his prose. I can deal with whimsey much easier than ignorant attempts at political analysis from idiot Ballaban.
Only way this makes sense is at $500. Strip out all the interior, electronics, drivetrain, sell what you can sell. then, use the rolling chassis as the base for some sort of quasi-legal project—racer or ????
You don’t think those dogs are going away, but they will be when Kaleb Jr comes along.
Mazda6 with 6speed manual. I own one and chose it over Accord because the seats are more comfortable for my particular posterior and back. I am seeing 33mpg reliably and have had zero issues over 5 years and 100k miles of LA commuting. It handles surprisingly well for a large sedan—it has some Zoom-zoom!
Pretty sure Dad’s window wouldn’t go down any further.
Employee salaries.
From the beginning of its history, Uber has ALWAYS worked to circumvent labor, vehicular, and business regulations at local, regional, and national levels. Cheatings is in its DNA. Work for Uber, or use Uber, and you tacitly support the cheating.
Uhm, EPA’s testing schemes are not secret. This hints Porsche was unprepared for theEPA test cycle, which is”complicated.”
IRS? Expedition had that in 2003!!!!
This “issue” with too many males is also creating a new criminal class--all the incels who can’t find a wife. When men don’t have the civilizing influence of a wife and family, bad things happen.
“the car carries current California tags so it must still make its smog numbers every four years.”
I consider the “Car Pool Lane” experiment to be a complete, unmitigated failure.
I pity millennials guillable enough to have swallowed the climate change hoax whole and without skepticism. What happened to intellectual curiosity?
I am with Clarkson.
1) This is a story, really?
Do I use and independent mechanic?
This wasn’t staged?
Pretty sure you would have called anybody who booed our previous POTUS a Racist. Where is the intellectual consistency?
Bullpen often works for commodity sales. They are often used in the large scale fresh fruit/vegetable biz...where I have spent much time.