No more politics please

In other words, last week Jalopnik published an unconfirmed rumor, or in the contemporary vernacular, FAKE NEWS.

Shilling: This story is missing almost all the pertinent information. Another site did a story about the same and learn:

As if the rice-rocket crowd has quiet pipes.....

Harley faces many of the same issues facing mainline Protestant churches. If they change their product line (or style of church service) much, they believe they risk losing their existing customer base (members)...risking your current income (membership) for an elusive future gain (new members) is always difficult.

“I wish Harley would figure out a long-term business model that works for them”

Two points:

That site is a is The Root...both are contagious, apparently.

Just don’t take the flight with a layover in Miami.

“Great Leaders” are frequently imbued with terrible flaws.

Here in as old as 1976 models are still required to pass biannual emissions tests.....which is why engine swaps are sooooo difficult to complete legally here...and why pre-1976 cars are so highly valued.

Yup, accurate. I live in SoCal. These are all the rage with the rich kids.

Burneko: Never forget Cillizza has a REAL job while you hurl expletives from your keyboard. No, your tirade did not bring you any credibility.

If you ever become a parent, you will learn why that is not funny.

The Ford family will come to regret cashiering Mark Fields. Hackett is tossing the baby out with the bathwater.

“where you’re not so bored that you feel like jumping on a motorcycle that will inevitably kill you.”

Trouble is, those transaxles self-immolate in short order.

It is mildly amusing, as a person who is not a millennial, the observe the rantings of millennials about the cars they were too young to ride in.

The “make Cadillac into Audi” mentality was wrong. Cadillac has its own identity. Granted, Cadillac’s horrible drivetrain problems over the past few decades (the Diesel, V8-6-4, HT4100, Northstar) and other quality issues worked to sully that identity, but still Cadillac, as a brand, has great value. That value lay in

Tesla claims, about anything, are worthless.

Actually, it’s the never earned a profit part....