No more politics please

If you want to row your own gears, it’s got to be the Honda.

If you don’t underdtand how bad Japanese convenience store food can be, go to Japan...

I wonder how log some of these dealers would survive if America’s supply of dumb people miraculously declined?

This white person does not “hate” OJ or any other person, black or otherwise. Why, Mr. Harriot, why you are filled with so much prejudice and hate toward white people is the question that needs answering.

Just because the aftermarket can put a snail and some pipes together and call it “ good” does mean an OEM like Toyota can. It’s not really an engineering issue, it’s a marketing issue.

How does being green effect resale?

As long as there are dumb kids, there will be dumb things for them to do.

Jalopnik crew: The whole “forbidden cars we don’t get” meme has run its course. Time to move on.

This piece adds exactly ZERO new information to what was provided last week. Why was it posted?

If the auto buying public was a bit smarter, there would be many, many more base model cars with no options. Now, even minimum wage workers walk into a Mitsu, Dodge, or Nissan dealer, sign up for the 84 month loan, and drive away in a new car...with lots of options...options that end up costing A LOT over 84 months.

You mean like blaming all the world’s problems on white people? Read one such article there and you have read them all. The victim mentality is self-defeating and pathetic.

“Cox tried to approach NASCAR’s top series with comparatively little experience working with top tier motorsports.”


European cars should be sold right before the warranty expires.

Mr. Milt: This is the first piece of yours I have read. I will likely be the last. Snarky, faux-ironic millennial claptrap is off-putting in the extreme.

Ford has not cheated.

Both remain committed to eventually producing automotive prose worth reading.

Tom: That whole opening bit about not being a car person essentially told me to stop reading. It indicated you and I are nothing alike, and that your opinion would have nothing to do with my non-NYC life. Very bad intro for a piece about a sport sedan on an enthisiast website.

Lemme guess....Waze routed them that way...?

A neighbor has the /6 variant. OMFG.