No more politics please

I’ll take the EddieLoman car: Less than 100bhp, top speed below 110mph, hatchback, $600 on the VERY used market, millions produced, rusty.

I gave up looking for “fun” cars as dailies. When I can afford a car that sits in the garage on rainy days...and work days....then I will resume seeking a “fun” car. For now, I go to work, I take my kids to practice and games...and go shopping. Fun will need to wait.

“Would you buy a truck solely because it was several hundred pounds lighter and not made of steel?”

What good is “autopilot” if it isn’t a true auto pilot?

Ford should not have exited Mark Shields. Hackett has no “feel” for the car business, and he is going to cost Ford shareholders A LOT of money.

“Unions, by and large, are a wonderful thing. “

1940 Studebaker coupe with utility bed kit.

Recent government spending programs have put your generation in debt far more deeply than your parents will.

I guess Jalopnik knows more about its readership than I do.

In related news, coffee is hot, don’t hold it between you legs.

Parents of millennials will simply get even for all those years, during his 30's, that junior lived in the basement...playing World of Warcraft and browsing youporn.

It’s called a “bubble.” Like the dotcom bubble of the late 90's and the housing bubble of 2007, it will pop, and lots of people will lose lots of’s just that nobody knows when..

GM and FCA aren’t going aluminum because 1) Chrysler can’t afford the RD and tooling costs, and 2) GM doesn’t have a person at the top willing/able to push through such a risky initiative. Heck, Barra is too chicken to even hire a Chief Marketing Officer.

Another BMW CUV “makes sense?”

“Look, I know 850 is a Tesla fanboy, but the company is simply a disaster. As soon as a Germans have ecar versions of their luxo barges on offer, Maximum Bob will be proven correct....again, and Musk will stay focussed on Spacex, which better addresses his Lord Vader fantasies.”

The 2.0 ecoboost with 6MT from FoST would probably bolt right in to a TC. Getting the electronics to work probably wouldn’t be too challenging either. Go for it doooood!

Cars get damaged every minute. There are places called Body Shops where such damage is repaired...and life goes on.....


Hellcat is just about the only non-Jeep thing FCA has that generates any buzz. Of course a RamHellPussy is coming...