Guy Incognito

If The Coffee Table isn’t looking for revenge against people who didn’t use coasters and left rings then someone should be fired.

Mothra Minus One or GTFO

leaving Captain Burnham, Rayner, and Stamets as the only crew members who can possibly save the ship in time.

Just to be clear because it’s kind of buried in the article’s snark and the admittedly humorous aftermath: the actual merit of the initial claim stands. One of the plaintiffs was an idiot after the fact and there weren’t grounds for a class action. But the first judge agreed that what happened with that trailer WAS

You couldn’t pay me to listen to a podcast with such a condescending title.

First one of these I’ve watched, and wow this guy is a terrible interviewer.

Feel the same way about Letterman ... senior year in high school through adulthood he was the man. I still find him extremely funny and a wonderful interviewer. Conan is right there with him!! I wish Ferguson had kept his offbeat, goofy show going longer but he probably got out at the right time.

I was an undergrad when Late Night with Conan O’Brien started (1993) and was thus just exactly the right audience for his brand of talk-show. His kind of absurdity and self-deprecation was always right in my wheelhouse. He has continued to be exactly who he is and I respect him mightily for that. Oh, and Jimmy Fallon

Agree whole heartedly. Evans (and his fans) confuse being well prepared and researched with being a good interviewer. He is the former, not the latter. He doesn’t build rapport or ask inciteful follow ups. 

Comedians are almost always the best guests because, as much as I do not blame him for riding this hot wing loaded train, Sean Evans is not a good interviewer for this setting. He’s too dry and only has chemistry with the bigger personalities that chemistry with everyone.

This is gross, and you should feel bad for even attempting to justify this execution.

With all of that known information one would think these supposedly trained, professional LEOs could have come up with a better way to take this guy in other than trying to swarm his car in plain clothes and guns drawn.

Cops managed to take that Florida woman in without firing a shot, and she was actively shooting up cars on the highway!

None of that justifies 5 cops firing 96 times. The criminal penalty for everything you described is not summary execution. Cops aren’t supposed to be executioners.

Chicago police claim

Short some pouches but very Liefeld

I’ll believe a non-Marvel Rob Liefeld creation is getting a movie when I’m watching said movie. And even then I may not be fully convinced. Becayse there has been a lot of announcements over the years, and nothing ever came out of it.

oh you’re from the future?

I’d love to see a new Frankenstein movie, but I’m not liking this trend of “X. We haven’t seen that in a while. Let’s make 12 of them at once!”

Some people use English degrees for good, some people use them for...well, this kind of thing.