
I hope it will become a hate crime in all of the UK. However, looking at the definition I’m thinking, how come this hasn’t been done way earlier?

Oh the men ARE seeing their arses about this, most are claiming that evil vindictive women (I.E., how they see all women) will be making spurious, false claims of misogyny.

Yay!!! Glad you reported on this :)


Hell yes.

But we’re not talking about gift giving. We’re talking about gender dynamics. I would feel differently if both men and women thought that paying for a date was in indication of interest for both men and women. But that’s not what we’re saying. Women are saying that they believe they can gauge a man’s interest based on

it’s normal where i live in canada, so maybe you need to move.

Honest question: why do you view dating as a dynamic that starts by a man wooing you and not the other way around? Or both of you wooing each other? And are there ways to woo that don’t involve paying for things?

Why is he the only one doing the wooing? Unless you’re an object to be won, interchangeable with other women.

If you have a PERSONALITY, though, part of dating is showing him how great your personality is and making sure the two of them mesh, right?

If I am calm is a lesbian, I would think her POV would matter a lot. When my husband and I were trying to figure out how we could make our wedding more equal and less stuck-in-patriarchy-mode, we looked at how gay and lesbian couples handled their weddings without the expectations of gender roles.

Oh honey, better and smarter straight women than you have tried to put me in my place. It just doesn’t stick. If shitty straight women trying their damnedest to teach my place hasn’t worked in 20 years, I doubt some rando on the internet will have much success, but kudos to you for putting your heart into it. Really.

Why shouldn’t it be the act that more women ask and more men accept being asked? Apply I am calm’s etiquette...Two birds.

Life sucks when you can’t act like a grown up. Maybe that’s the real issue, but WTF do I know.

My reading comprehension is fine. I just don’t agree with you. Two different things. The fact that you assumed I’m a man based on the fact that I didn’t agree with doesn’t worry me at all. If it did, I’d need my head examined. It should make you wonder about your assumptions though...maybe...especially when I have

Meh. First date or so, asker pays. After that, grown ass people should figure out their own shit based own their own relationship instead of gender roles, blogs, or random expectations from a world full of strangers. It might require an actual conversation. If you can’t do that, their’s no fucking hope for you.

“It’s become clear you’re a guy though and I don’t have the years it’ll take to educate you.”

Lol to women paying for dates smashing patriarchy.

100% this.

That’s not the world I live in. I don’t pretend to understand it. Do I weep tears for men who are hurt by patriarchy 1 out of 99 times when when they benefit the other 99 time. Nope. Not a tear.

I am firmly in the “split the check” category, either both of us paying for our own meals (preferable for new relationships) or switching back and forth. However, I noticed that a lot of guys I went on dates with were *super* touchy about insisting on paying. If I tried to pay, they ranged between panicked and