They waited until after they made their huge profit off all the 1 dollar pre-orders for Doom and Animal Crossing. There was nothing good about this whatsoever.
They waited until after they made their huge profit off all the 1 dollar pre-orders for Doom and Animal Crossing. There was nothing good about this whatsoever.
I like to think that one of the cool things about Kotaku is that you can come here for more information than you’ll get from a publisher’s press release. This is a good example of that. It’s not necessarily controversial or explosive info — it’s just context that you won’t find anywhere else.
Counter-counterpoint: Only 0.4% of Steam users own a VR headset.
This is basically how I feel about it. I have neither the PC specs nor the VR peripherals necessary to play Alyx. But that might change eventually, either because I get lucky with money or tech gets cheaper. And since it’s an interquel, I don’t feel obligated to play it immediately.
I get to write about video games for a living, have cheap rent (thanks Kansas!) but also have fast internet because I live near Kansas City.
Man, there’s a bunch of dipshits in the comments essentially all crying “I don’t like protests when they’re inconvenient!”
Announcing that they’re revoking Blitzchung’s suspension would be a good start towards showing actual remorse.
As Kotaku noted, Blizzard gave a dodgy apology to open Blizzcon. They also, notably, did not revoke Blitzchung’s 6 month suspension.
Okay. Let’s break this down:
How’s that boot taste? Finger licking good I bet.
But yes they are. Hiding behind “it’s business,” implies that that these choices are infallible. If the last five years have shown anything, that that is not even remotely close.
An example: the opioid crisis. Should we not punish the companies who pushed perscriptions on the masses simply because, to them, it was…
You apathy and cynicism is inspiring. You’re so cool and rad.
RetrospecTuaL, the Reddit user quoted in the article, really said it all.
They most certainly have that right.
Thanks for reporting on this. Blizzard has shut out all discussions on the topic and are on complete radio silence. They want this to blow over quickly.
No, he accepted it conditionally. He said “I want to do this role. My condition is that the job must be union.” The implication of “he turned it down” is that he didn’t want to do the role. That’s not true. He did want to do the role. But he is contractually obligated by his union membership to only do union work*. So…
I can’t find the clip right now, but I saw one time at a Q&A at a Con, someone asked Baker for tips on getting into voice acting.
He gave this whole speech on getting the best microphone you can find, then just constantly practicing through reading books to yourself and recording them and playing them back and things…
Good for Baker. I sometimes get sick of him voicing seemingly everything (that Nolan North isn’t already doing), but if he’s standing up for his principles and supporting his union people, I’ve got more respect for him now.
Fallout 4 didn’t fail because it deviated. Fallout 4 failed because it was so much more of the same from Fallout 3 and New Vegas. The storyline similarities between 3 and 4 are appalling, with more ‘looking for your super scientist relative who is secretly behind the whole thing’. The only real deviation was the…
Maybe they’ve added it but I think the one feature the game historically missed was a “find a group function”.