
If that’s how you feel, fine.

I’d have probably started off as one of the guys in the “I’m with Kap in spirit, but I’m not trying to f-up this lick until I can buy a couple of Bojangles franchises,” camp.

“There can be 12 white, blue-eyed, blonde men in a room and they’re going to be diverse too because they’re going to bring a different life experience and life perspective to the conversation.”

Nice. May I add this one?...

No, Dummy Smurf. When people talk about diversity in tech, they’re referring to the absence and often-deliberate exclusion of women, PoCs, and LGBTQ people.

I hate the word “woke.” It is defined as a heightened state of social, political and cultural awareness. Being woke

3 things:

That is exactly what they hope.

And this “We will all kneel as a team (before the anthem) and then it will be done with” move is them trying to hurry the “blow over”

They think they can do a watered down version of it and prove how much they “get it”. Then everyone can just “move on”. But nope, as long as the core

“How dare he say I’m bad on women’s issues because I wanted them to be unnecessarily penetrated by a medical device and infantilized because I’m some sort of of fetus-worshiper, when HE listens to hip-hop (probably). Let me read some 2 Live Crew lyrics..”

These people have been wanting call these babies the nword for so long they can’t contain it anymore. She was arrested for being black , doubt anyone noticed nonblack students sitting for the pledge.

I know what you mean by character design. They big.

I see where this argument is coming from, but those cars / hands you mention are for other purposes besides killing. A firearm has no other reason to exist than to extinguish a life, and it is designed to do that very efficiently with minmal effort by the wielder.

Because Guillermo del Toro was never going to get back to it in a million years. They’ll blame the studios, but del Toro and Perlman are big names that get movies made and Hellboy is an existing franchise- studios would trip over eachother to throw money at that combo, but del Toro wasn’t in the mood, and everyone


Unfortunately, it’s terminal. I remember talking to my sister about this story when it first broke, back when a rap beef with Neil DeGrasse Tyson ensued over this nonsense. My sister told me she didn’t disagree with B.o.B., that he could be right, and that the US government was hiding the truth and all photos and

Jesus, how fucking hard is it for these people to look at history. Being white was a social construct created to enforce oppression and inequality. When my ancestors came here, they were not considered white. They were immigrants. Irish, German, Hungarians, Greeks, Italians, all people that are considered white now,

The people who overreacted to that title are the flip-side of the coin to people who voted for Trump based on nothing but their hatred of people of color. They did so while ignoring all logic and reasoning, just because they were butthurt at being told they have white privilege.

Same sh*t.

Like I don’t see anybody

OF COURSE the only thing that team owners care about is money. That’s the only language those pigfuckers speak. Threaten their money, and you have a problem. If that’s their weakness, then exploit it, vote with your dollar. It works with other companies.

Fuck Sharon

I just don’t get this though. It’s not the rest of their lives. It’s until their partner dies. I guess I’m an irrational bitch, but I would be badly hurt if as I lay dying my partner was off having sex with someone else. They can’t masturbate for a few years?