
I’d just like to say thanks to all the women who voted for Trump, voted 3rd party, or didn’t bother vote at all. And by thanks I really mean “Fuck you with a rusty chainsaw”.

This guy is…so…ugh. I want to punch him in the neck.

Another way to look at it is a form of norm enforcement. to speak super generally, many people feel that certain norms have been violated since this current administration came to power. Debate is not an effective tool because the offenders are not interested in hearing their opponents. Compromise is not possible

People can bitch about not “resorting to violence” but part of making the world a nicer place for marginalized people is shutting up racists and other assholes. Punching Richard Spencer in the face, tossing drinks at Tomi Lahren, these aren’t just things that give me a warm fuzzy, they’re laudable actions that

Uhhh what, a shit ton is happening.

Nothing is happening? There is an entire criminal investigation going on with multiple targets, multiple convinctions, multiple people being brought to trial, and flips. Can you people quit this reflexively concern-trollish bullshit? Thanks.

Yeah, but her emails, or some bullshit.

She killed a child. She didn’t drop the child off at a police station. She didn’t drop the child off with family. She dropped the child off a building. She was the worst abuser.

Are you gonna defend the Santa Fe shooter with the same logic?

You’re defending the murder of a child?

She is the ultimate abuser here. What she did to that child is inexcusable, and the worst act to ever happen in that child’s life. Only an abuser would murder.

Im sorry, but fuck her. She’s no different than any of those assholes who murder their wife and kids then turn the gun on themselves. Throwing your seven year old child out of a window is the most severe act of abuse you can commit. She was an abuser.

Trump is basically an immigrant. His posture is defensive. He is the first president who has 0 grandparents born in the U.S. No one in his family has ever been in the military— not even the coast guard. He acts this way towards immigrants because he is worried someone will accuse him. Also why he attacked Obama

I was just thinking that. He’s got the whole franchise: white, male, money, education, so what the fucking fuck is he so angry about? What makes him so hard done by? He is literally making shit up about people in order to feel some type of fake grievance and he has no clue what actual oppression feels like. Fuck this

She carried water for her husband’s “birther” obsession. Fuck her right in the taint.

Why, exactly, do you think the public should be interested in Trump’s ornament? She isn’t interesting. She doesn’t engage in public works.

This is such a fluff piece — meaning the WaPo article. Didn’t Sarah Kenzior once write about newspapers in authoritarian countries rehabilitating the relatives around the authoritarian leaders as celebrities and as “normal” moderating influences? We saw that with Ivanka, who was meant to be moderating influence (NOT!)

Bought and paid for. And she stayed with him, knowing what he was.