There are already plans for rapid response protests all over the country - spread the word -
There are already plans for rapid response protests all over the country - spread the word -
Re: Demonstrations, one can always sign up for text alerts. I love this and bemoan its existance at the same time.
I like how you’ve slid over the scientific differences between a fetus and a baby. But you are correct that “legal” does not equal “right”, so fair point.
Third trimester abortions are legal and carried out in this country. Feminists will not even acknoledge that killing a fetus when it is viable without the mother is wrong. They want the ability to kill an unborn child up to the point the child is out of the vagina. This right here demonstrates just how morally…
LOL nope, you can’t set up some dumb propaganda as a feminist strawman and then call it a day.
No practically the difference is that a fetus is leeching off it’s mother’s blood supply while in the other it’s not. I’d ask why anti-choicers are so quick to erase the woman’s contribution, but we all know why that is...
Because the child isn’t leeching off their blood supply anymore. If you want ideological consistency, why aren’t pro-lifers in favor of mandated organ and blood donation? How many human lives could be saved by forcing people give up that extra kidney?
Sure that’s what it means, too fucking bad we have one of two options:woman are simply incubators for children and have no control over their bodies, or they are independent people capable of making their own decisions on their bodies. So fuck the fuck off with your moral outrage I dont see you volunteering to adopt…
What fucking third trimester abortions are you even referring to that has women and men out there celebrating and embracing the termination of a fetus? You are living in a fantasy land where women are actively seeking abortions to what end? You are insane, your only concern is controlling woman, not giving two…
Your logical fallacy is...False Equivalence!
It’s not “a life”, much less a “kid”, without a brainstem, Einstein.
Yeah am I advocating the murder of a person who can live on their own and not in my body? No? Shut the fuck up then you women controlling douche bag
It’s the woman’s body that’s hosting that parasite, so why does anyone else get a say?
If my wife is pregnant, the only opinions on abortion I want to hear are hers.
The only way she can redeem herself slightly from her role in enlarging the Trump gene pool significantly is if she goes straight from her divorce attorney’s office to Mueller’s, but I’m not holding my breath. I’m convinced this is all just an attempt to grab as many assets for herself and her demon spawn before…
She stayed with him because she’s a greedy fucking monster. Let’s not pretend that the women who married into this disgusting family are victims. They haven’t always only known what we all know - they’ve always known MORE.
More than that, it’s the free flow of ideas: enough people thought “yeah, she SHOULDN’T have a tv show, and I’ll avoid enabling her in response to her behavior.” Small wonder that “people should act on their beliefs” is threatening to a fairly vapid tv Star.
Maher has always espoused true Libertarianism, the delusion that the world is a meritocracy, so, given that white men are in charge, it proves they’re just naturally better than everyone else. Any challenge to that, say, by identifying sexism in terminology or racism in casting or looking at the biases inherent in…
this shit makes no sense to me. isn’t a “boycott” essentially the so called free hand of the market dictating what/who will be successful and who wont be? its the people making the choice to use/watch/buy or not use/watch/buy your garbage. its capitalism at its essence. and these crybabies cant handle the reality of…