
I don’t care who you are, how morally bankrupt people may perceive you, or who you’ve pissed off by doing what: revenge porn is never ok. End of story. I’m glad she’s trying to take legal action.

Why would anyone try to “Happy Birthday, Mr. President” the national anthem?

Oprah’s history with crackpot doctors Oz and Phil along with bullshit like The Secret, not to mention having zero political experience, makes her neck and neck with Trump in terms of ridiculousness.

Its hilarious to accuse her of not campaigning well enough when literally we hear more and more every day about how she was the victim of Russian interference and bots. Is this really on her?

I adore her. I can’t even pinpoint why, she is just generally spectacular. And her style is amazing. I love her red carpet choices.

Yes to all this! I’ve been feeling lost in the abyss about many things recently, but the severe lowering of what our bar should be (pretty much across the board) is what gets me the most.

please no more entertainment celebrities running for office. please.

Oh! And can I say a I adore Sarah Paulson’s resting bitch face. She has this warm, huggable, two dozen cookies smile, and then without warning BOOM!

Well, tbh, not only that, but I’m bothered by that speech being bandied about as if it’s somehow a sign of her being fit for the presidency. There’s a difference between being a good orator — and let’s be clear, that speech was good oration, but it wasn’t great — and being a good chief executive. That was a legitimate

My friend was like Trump should be visiting the shooting victims instead of tweeting at Oprah. I’m like ummm...he’s Trump. Besides those kids will eat him alive. They have already torn him apart on twitter. He’s not going to step into a situation where he’ll look bad.

Trump’s presidency has been exposed as a complete and utter fraud, put into place by the Russians, and he refuses to admit it and thinks he can win against anyone now. He thinks he’s some kind of god, when he’s just a jester.

Man, Carol Channing looks really good for 97!

Even Mike Pence had to sit down in the middle of that singing of the anthem.

She’s got her eye on one of the staffers...and her other eye on a different staffer three rooms away.

What the actual fuck. That is the absolute BEST kind of gift, especially when you’re strapped for time as it seems you are. The gift of experiences and time together away from your normal routine...aw, lady. I’ll go hiking with you. Let’s get a spa day and some wine when we’re done.

See also everything that the Texas Lege has done in response to Austin’s municipal laws and ordinances, e.g. “sanctuary city” policies and rideshares. They tried to attack bag bans, short term rental regulations (that protect popular, gentrifying neighborhoods from being airbnb wastelands), even tree preservation

She cares about local control until the locals do something she (the GOP and Big Business) don’t like. In Minnesota, activists, tired of the inaction of the state legislature (Republican controlled), changed the minimum wage in the city of Minneapolis to $15.00/hour. What did the Chamber and the Business Partnership

I’d gently suggest that this is not the majority of dog owners, but it’s the majority of dog owners that you see (and hear) because of their poor behavior. Those of us who care about our dogs—who take them out a couple of times a day on-leash, stay home and play with them so they don’t get bored/noisy/destructive,

I absolutely want to fight about this. While I’m not anti-dog, per se, I am anti many dog owners. I don’t own any dogs, don’t plan to ever own dogs and think it’s not too much to ask four things of dog owners: