
Yup, and let’s bring up HRC not firing someone, who she should have fired when we have this colossal mess in the WH. HRC did some not great shit, but she has no real power today. Let’s worry about who has the power and the crap he’s doing. Don’t let this distract us. That’s what the GOP wants.

I’m so past my prime! There was a time, I swear, when I got auto-accepted to all new blogs. Now I have to earn it again. Rude!

I am going to continue to make fun of people who are older than God who get so much plastic surgery that they look like aliens. I’m not making fun of his original looks; I’m making fun of his decision to intentionally mutilate his face.

ANITA HILL Biden. In response to a story criticizing Hillary for not doing enough to protect a harassment victim. It’s seriously beyond parody at this point. 

They posted an article about Wynn, but notice how there are a lot less comments on the article about a man who actually committed rapes and sexual assaults than there are on a woman who didn’t punish a man harshly enough for sexual harassment.

I actually think it’s justified and somewhat effective to go after these ridiculous men and their vanity, especially in the service of exposing hypocrisy.

These guys run on and support an agenda that reduces women to their appearance and have no problems calling women ugly and fat, all the while while looking like an If They Mated between Jabba the Hut and a puddle of cat vomit. I don’t mind if people want to comment on the hypocrisy

Because we have eyes. And he has the means to look better than he does, yet chooses to not to, which, along with his overt evil, makes him fair game in my book. And because I’m fucking sick of going high when they go low.

I think it comes from the very real instinct within us to recoil from this man. His looks honestly wouldn’t make him ugly if he wasn’t rotten through and through. There are plenty of men who’s personality’s are so incredible they become attractive, even if their looks aren’t what many would consider traditionally

I’m not that nice (especially to assholes that sexually assault people) so please forgive me.

Power. Look what I can make you do. I own you. I’m untouchable. That sort of thinking.

So I’m thinking that if a billionaire Las Vegas casino owner just wanted some “extra sex”, there would be at least several dozen high end professional sex workers in the area who could help him with that. Is it really about the power or the fantasy or the seduction or what? Do these men just think that all women

So the score on Jezebel is now:

It’s called being angry, and if you looked around your city last week I’m not the only one.

Are you kidding? Maggie Haberman has had a decade long grudge against Clinton, and the NYT’s Hillary double standard is well known.

How do I know you’re a white dude without even known that?

Yup, grabbing em by the pussy is morally equivalent to hearing about it and not addressing it as thoroughly as internet commenters ten years into the future would have liked. Totally the same thing.

Follow her where, exactly? Into the woods? On the speaker circuit?

Okay, so all we have to do is find someone with Public and private sector experience, experience in legislating and foreign policy, with a comprehensive and intersecting platform that covers everything from rural and urban renewal, to renewable energy to criminal justice and immigration reform with a strong push

She was moved to a different *office*; she didn’t lose her job. That’s a big difference as being moved to a different roll could be a demotion.