
Yeah, a demarchy would work great in the modern United States. People can’t be assed to serve jury duty, but they’d be fine with randomly being selected to try and figure out a tax policy that didn’t crash the country.

And if they don’t get exactly what they want then fuck it. Let immigrants by round up like cattle. Let Planned Parenthood shut down. Let the pathetic healthcare currently be given to the poor be gutted.

In 2016, that someone was clearly NOT Trump. Even a casual knowledge of the guy would tell anyone that.

Omg, THANK YOU! Cannot star this enough. We are rapidly turning into a YA dystopian novel and still we have people wining about what the democrats need to bring to the table to motivate people to vote????? Um, I dunno how about doing your civic freakin’ duty? We literally did this to ourselves (because bottom line, no

Millennials rarely vote in midterms or local elections and often ignore down ticket races. They want all of that? Then they need to start voting in every election.

Oh, hey, I read that short story, too! It was in a collection of science fiction stories, but it was so long ago that I can’t for the life of me remember the author or the title.

The vast number of broken dogs wasting away in military kennels would say otherwise. I fucking loathe how our armed services procure, train, use, and dispose of dogs. Don’t get me wrong, a good IED dog is worth its weight in gold. But there need to be some significant changes in the programs.

Shutting down the government for weeks on end wouldn’t be an answer for anything.

Only the tail end of millenials are college students at this point. More are in their late 20s and 30s.

Thank you! Fuck any asshole (as a gender neutral term) who looks at what’s happening and shrugs because Dems are just the same.

My question was a serious one. I would appreciate a serious answer UNDER THE CURRENT SYSTEM.

You are talking about voter suppression; that is in states run by republicans. The democrats don’t have the power to change that until they regain control of state legislatures and governships.

What EXACTLY do you want to see democrats do? It’s easy to criticize; not so easy to offer solutions. Let’s hear yours?

Someone to “inspire” them. Because fuck the good of the country, the Constitution, the safety and security of other countries, they need the purest, most inspirational candidate that will make all of the birthdays and Christmases come at once.

Explain to me, Millennials, WTF do you want? What will get you off your asses and voting? Because if this dystopian level nightmare we are currently experiencing is NOT ENOUGH to motivate you to vote, then what is?

The “50,000" texts refer to the number of texts ON THE ENTIRE FBI SERVER, not between two FBI agents you dipshit! (Trump, not you Joanna ;-0)

I cannot get over the level of pathetic pettiness she’s exhibiting and how she’s totally unaware of it. She’s so proud to be making a point with the Vietnam comments.

I remember when American service men and women were actually dropping dead around the time of the Iraq invasion in ‘03 from *lack of drinking water* in a crazy hot desert, which the brass knew they were invading. and I remember that fucking Rumsfeld speech. The hate I have for that man, Cheney and W to this day is

I still call Megyn, “White Santa Megyn” and I’ll never stop.

I’m officially sick of crazy people. I mean, can they please just stop being so fucking weird? If it’s not a meglomaniacal president it’s a house of horrors if it’s not a house of horrors it’s pointless monologues.