
Ok you fuckers, I’m gonna rant on you all. You make fun of the state I live in constantly. And even now you whine about the margin. Do you shitheads know how hard it is to take this state away from the rednecks? From the rural crazies?

Oh great now its going to be nothing but abortion after abortion. Thinking of buying a new car? Aborted. I was going to get a raise last week but what do you know? Aborted. Abortion on-demand. Abortion on TiVo. Mail-order abortion. Abortion in our streets. Abortion in our churches. Pay-per-viewbortion. Fake abortions.

This is EVERYTHING. Best 18 minutes of my day.

Either Jennifer Lawrence has the greatest “regular person for a famous person” act of all time making her the best actress ever as she mever turns it off, or she is the most genuine person to ever be this famous. I wanna be her best friend either way.

This gives me hope that rather than starting a lifestyle brand, when Jennifer Lawrence is 40, she can host a talk show.

All I’ve ever heard about him is he had a bunch of celebrity friends who loved to go out and have (as far as I know consensual) sex with hot women in the 90s, and that he likes very short-term relationships with supermodels. So, nothing bad, really.

He’s been accused(by me) of not really deserving the Oscar for The Revenant, but actually deserved it for What’s eating Gilbert Grape all those years ago. And also not marrying Kate Winslet when when he had the chance, cause their love for each other is undeniable.

Hundreds. Dozens of names we know and so many more that we, the general public, did not know before: agents, producers, industry lawyers, tv presenters...

I am here to give 14-year-old You a big hug.

One of my best friends experienced this exact scenario in NYC while she was walking home from school. She was a freshman in high school at the time. He asked her to go back to his hotel room with him. While she recognized him, she wasn’t starstruck, but creeped out af that this dude (who was in his 30s at the time)

He groped an extra during suicide squad and chalked it up to “method”... it wasn’t even during a scene it was just random on set

No, you are the lovely one! Your bravery is contagious. The more voices that we have, the more we can legitimize the allegations against him. I debated posting that link because I didn’t want everyone to jump on me for perpetuating unsubstantiated rumors. I have another commenter claiming it’s all fanfic written by

It’s a good thing these stories are coming out but they sure are good at making you hate everything and everyone. Is he even that good an actor? How difficult can it be to find someone talented who’s not a jerk/predator?

Ugh a girl I know has been dating him since she was 19 (she’s super super tiny, incredibly intelligent, hardworking kind soul) and I always thought it was weird given his age. Underage stuff does not surprise me at all

I’ve had the misfortune of being on set with him a few times over the last 10 years and he was generally abusive to the crew every time. And once he had an Eastern European girl waiting in his dressing room who was definitely not 18.

I object to this. Jared Leto cornered me in a bathroom at Real Food Daily in LA and asked if I had a boyfriend. I told him to leave the bathroom and that I did. If a reporter wants the info comment here of where I can get in contact with you. He’s a shady guy and I’m disgusted he acts like he’s better!

I’m guessing Jared Leto is one of a bunch of Hollywood guys who’s spent the last couple weeks frantically refreshing a search for his own name and hoping nothing new comes up.

Seems Leto is trying to avoid all those allegations regarding his behaviour from re-emerging.