Maybe it's the wine speaking, but, oh Gawker, your 'Ghost' reference made me seriously crack up.
Maybe it's the wine speaking, but, oh Gawker, your 'Ghost' reference made me seriously crack up.
He is a snazzy dresser! That might be it. I think a neatly dressed man is very sexy.
They just jelly.
Ugh I have an unhealthy crush on this guy. Him, his bald head, and his sexy vocal fry. And the Cuban accent. Yum. Don't judge me!
Santa Angelina 4Evah!
The point of Glamour Shots is to take a tacky picture at the mall! They're not objectifying anything. They're objectifying good taste in photographs. They're the equivalent of old JC Penney Portraits of yore.
Great analysis, totally agree. I hated the first episode, but after watching a few of these on HULU, I actually fell in love with Whitney's character so I kept watching. Her dude on the show was damn fine too, that sure didn't hurt. They could have really done something 'Mad About You-ish" with this.
Ooooh all Colins I know are super hot. So take pride in knowing you would have been a smokin' hot dude!
So many of them are charming to outsiders, aren't they? That's how these monsters get through life, with their fake personalities.
I'm a Latina and an immigrant, just to give everyone some context. But, I had read her story when she first posted it on HuffPo - and for some reason I did feel it was a tad over-exaggerated, because a few things she said just didn't make much sense. I don't know why, maybe it was her choice of words. But I kind of…
It was on this group that I found her family talking about the DNA test - but it looks like the woman deleted her comments. Some other community-members comments about Emily are still there - they just don't make sense now that the women deleted hers:
Yes! Just read that as Amanda Berry arrived at the dungeon, she saw this woman's name etched on the wall, along with the words RIP. It's pure speculation at this point, of course, and could be total B.S. but if it's true - it's straight out of a horror movie.
Actually, I was lurking around the monster's Facebook page and came across a local community Facebook group he was part of. In the group, the participants - who knew him and his family from the community - were discussing this very thing: whether Emily's baby was his. Then out of the blue, one of this monster's family…
Right? They could have been drinking tea or yerba mate, or hot chocolate!
Your blog post is great - it gives the entire story context. Shows that this Liz blogger took one of your photos and used it completely out of context to stir up ridiculous controversy in the name of page views. It makes so much sense now looking at your other images from the event.
Not really understanding what you're trying to say here.
Yeah, she sounds fun, this woman. :/
I LOVE Urbana/Champaign! I spent one year there for grad school (before I dropped out and came back to Cali) but in that year I totally fell in love with the cities and your residents. You're like an awesome mini San Francisco! Wonderful restaurants, bars, lounges, and the music scene was spectacular.
Yes, and to get even more specific, this is the new Valley Girl accent - Calabasas, Woodland Hills, Encino, etc. It's similar to the Kardashians (Calabasas) and half the girls in my high school. It's eerily dead on.
Someone please give Caitlin her own show on Discovery or Bio, or the Travel Channel? I would watch the shit out of her show.