
As both a Packer fan and a Russell Wilson fan, I was really upset to see them not do a concussion screening on Wilson after this. Even if he said he felt fine, they take 5 minutesminutes.

Helmets are indeed totally uncool, but so is riding a bike. When you are on a bike, everyone will hate you regardless. You may think your beloved ride is awesome and cool as fuck (like I do) and our fellow cyclists might throw out compliments, but everyone else thinks you look like a douche in traffic.

This is perhaps the best Trippel you can easily come by for the price. Mussels never had a better friend.

Ugh, I know the feeling. I've been especially spoiled ever sincey favorite purveyor of beverages opened up a growler-fill station trading in only fresh, rare-ish beers or special releases.

New Glarus makes a variety of excellent brews (aside from the above mentioned, overrated but nice Spotted Cow). Their fruit beers are incredible,(750ml wax-top bottles) and if you find a four pack of the Scream double IPA, ask when it's from (no bottle dates, and the bottles from run number one are about 4 months olds

Ale asylum is vastly underrated, though it does get quite a bit of love in its hometown of Madison. Bedlam is my favorite offering of theirs by far, and is a fantastic example of getting fruity Belgian yeast and fruity, citrusy hops to play nice and not compete.

Spotted Cow, while lovely and an absolute joy to toss back along with 4-5 of its friends at an open bar Wisconsin wedding, doesn't really go anywhere. In my opinion, it's balanced to the point of being a little boring, but I'm still proud of its status as Wisconsin's Official Gateway Beer.

Considering how much of a project this is to make, it's easy to see how there's so much batch-to-batch variation (and how they had to dump two of them)

No you idiot; it's so you don't confuse them with your *Chicken Gloves.*

Cross contamination is a horrid thing and I'll be damned if a bout of raw-chicken-salmonella from my potato salad forces me to break out my Feces Gloves for a 3 hour session.

I think the key factor here is that the official was out of position, not standing over the ball where Winston expects him to be. This messes with the mental cues for high level athletes that train to make all of this stuff automatic so they can focus on the play call, the defense, ect. More-or-less, we're watching

It's at the bartender's discretion, so in some more urban/suburban areas, you're SOL as a teen with dad mom. Bumblefuck or "Up Nort'.?" Drink up, kid! You only live so long!

I've always found the driving laws in St. Louis (and a few other areas) odd but oddly reasonable. From what I understand, the pasangers can have as many open containers as they want so long as the driver blows a 0.00BAC

Med student here, so take this with an appropriately-sized grain on salt

Has anyone checked on Paul Rudd?

120 is impressive in its ability to hide its 18% abv, but with its even more impressive bitter assault, it's difficult to put back more than 6oz (which I did with my first ever just this weekend).

This exactly. I got Untapped when I got into sours for the first time and binged (an expensive hobby). I found myself unable to remember the name of two fantastic examples when making suggestions to a friend; the app makes a fine notepad to look back on.

Two Hearted is fucking perfect and I wouldn't imagine changing a single thing about it in search of improvement.

This might be the greatest thing to have ever happened. All of this blind enthusiasm and knowledge-less ingenuity. It's fucking wonderful.

Craft beer and well-made cocktails with middle shelf booze turn to ash in my mouth now. Nothing can match the cocktail of shame and desperation, chased with young-adult hubris.

Like it or not, Spotted Cow is very much our beer of record, at least when it comes to popular perception. Lived in Madison and Milwaukee my whole life, and far more often than not, a non-beer nerd will point to spotted cow, and even the snobbiest of enthusiasts (my demographic) will sigh and reluctantly agree before

Yeah, Spotted Cow has quite the regional presence. As a lifelong Wisconsinite with a lot of friends in Chicago, I'm always hearing about people from Chi making "border runs" to Wisconsin to deplete a local Kenosha corner store of all of their New Glarus. The Wisconsin bar near/in Lincoln Park, Will's North Woods, (a