
The Boeberts; making the Palins look like upper crust people....

Cars today are cleaner, safer, more efficient with better performance and handling, but yeah, sure, you should be able to buy whatever piece of crap you want....

Did he fart on air? Well, he did open his mouth...

and 57 states!

I really, really do not approve of that behavior. Spit in his food instead....far more satisfying ...

Trump is a student of Roy Cohn. One his mantras was “attack, attack, attack. Deny, deny, deny.”

a bar no one goes to....

Can’t we just push the anti-vaxxers off the edge of the flat earth?

and an antiseminole to boot

The entire Trump administration thinks you, I and everyone else is stupid.

Truly the banality of evil....

That’s why the best comedians are always conservatives...

Child rape and marriage? Underage sex? Vulgar descriptions of colleagues? Just being “naughty”. No dear, I’m not screwing porn stars behind your back, I’m having an “affair”.

What is the collective term for 2 or more douchebags in one place? A nozzle? A flush?

yeah, but Frankie Carbone would have been...

oh yeah, then why is 90% of your population amassed next to the border? huh?

Moving to Montana soon, gonna be a dental floss tycoon....

A panther is like a leopard except it hasn’t been peppered should you behold a panther crouch prepare to say ouch better yet, if called by a panther don’t anther.