
I don't understand how anyone is getting the impression that it was the afterlife. IT'S THE NIGHT SHE GOT ARRESTED. they said in the episode that she was arrested for trespassing and possession… she hops the fence with the monks with a backpack full of weed she's selling/smoking before going to amsterdam.


the song posted is the single, so i'd say it's not very typical. they definitely have black metal elements. see:

the name of this band is so stupid that i'm not sure i can listen to them.

nathan for you is way too low…probably my favorite show this year. other than that, i agree with most of the list.

is this show actually good? i tried to watch the pilot and found it so bad that i couldn't even finish the 20 minutes or whatever…not saying it doesn't get better later on, but if you don't agree that it starts bad, then i'm just gonna assume i won't like it. lol

i actually really like those rock-a-bye-baby albums. liam wilson, the bassist for the dillinger escape plan, wrote a great article about why they're so awesome:

so reviewers should wait a month before speaking on an album? no way


sorry, but this is just wrong. watch any one of his videos and see if you think it'd be possible to come up with a review with that level of detail and thoroughness after one cursory listen. even ignoring the quality of his content, could you talk for 7-8 minutes about an album you've heard once? no fucking way.

just watched this. MORE SPOILERS


probably because the pilot was absolutely horrendous—i'm one of the people that tried it, but i actually shut it off before the pilot was over. jokes and writing overall were both terrible (i.e., characters telling each other exceedingly obvious shit to fill the audience in).

yeah, to me, nathan for you is the most egregious misplacement on this list. i get that there's a ton of good tv and not everything can be in the top ten, but nathan for you? one of the best shows this year. should def be higher.

there was a ton of good TV this year, so i understand that not everything can be in the top ten, but seriously, nathan for you is waaaaaay too low on av club's list. completely agree that it's top 2 or 3…that show is completely genius comedy. i love it.

i didn't necessarily think it was a great scene, but damn, a 2 minute throwaway scene ruined the whole fucking season for you? stop harping on it already

lol. avclub is so fucking obsessed with the clone dance scene too—what, a two minute scene ruined the whole season for you?

don't sleep on el-p: