
Im not suggesting a Framemesiter—she said in the article that she already has oneso the only additional expenses would be the AVR you suggested (which itself would be $200 minimum), perhaps a Carby v2 for the GameCube (which is $75), and maybe a handful of additional HDMI cables. A DCHDMI wouldnt be cheap, but I

Id take function over form any day. I think a server cabinet on casters would look nice and be maintainable, but that costs significant money.

I think that difficulty of access is what puts me off traditional cabinets and entertainment centers; I do periodic tinkering with or expansion of my setup, and it’s a pain to have to get down on the floor and reach back behind shelves to do any maintenance. At some point, I want to get some kind of server rack/cabinet

Looks very neat, but I cant imagine its easy to maintain. How difficult is it to run new cables to a given cubby hole?

A solid bookcase (or any solid, unmovable furniture) is going to make maintenance a nightmare, since you can’t easily get behind it. The openness of the wire shelving is beneficial, because it means you can easily access the cabling, and that type of shelving should be light enough to lift and swing out of that corner.

If she gets/has an AVR with at least 6 HDMI inputs (7 if she wants to route her PC through it), she could feasibly have everything connected full-time. The PS3 (1), PS4 (2), Xbox One (3), and Switch (4), all support HDMI natively; the GameCube can do HDMI if it’s a DOL-001 with a GCVideo product (or any with an

If you have money, you could go for a 19" server cabinet and a bunch of shelves. You could fit the Dreamcast and GameCube on one shelf, and you could save some money by vertically orienting the PS2, PS3, PS4, and Xbox One on another, rather than a shelf for each (I’d put the Switch dock on my desktop for easy access,

So it’s modification of the firmware that’s the sticking point? So if he was just installing video mods in older consoles, or lighting mods or replacing parts, he would’ve been fine?

Okay, I got the terms wrong, but the intent of my question still stands: what other countries don't allow this sort of thing? As far as I can tell, this is legal in the US; where else other than Japan is selling modded consoles illegal?

Which other countries don’t grant a first-sale doctrine or derivative rights?

I got around to getting a PS4 and playing the demo as well, and it does indeed allow right stick camera control, and it allows for inversion, but only horizontal inversion. I kept pushing up on the right stick to look up, and it would pan down. :/

From what I remember of the PS9 commercials for the PS2, it was a neurological thing, because the nodes were inhaled, not applied to the eyes.

Like the PlayStation 4 Pro, the PlayStation 5 reads physical media via a 4K Blu-ray drive.

I haven’t played the demo, so I’m not 100% certain, but some have complained about a too-tight camera. I would be surprised if the game didn’t let you use the right joystick for camera or didn’t let you invert the camera controls (both settings sadly missing from the original).

I don’t understand why it’s a problem that you can’t collect the chalice if you don’t fill it, which is easy enough to do during the first playthrough of every level. Why should you get the reward without satisfying the requirements?

Don’t shame him for losing his jaw; it's not his fault. :/

I agree, particularly about the length of the demo. The demo for the original game included those levels plus Cemetery Hill, possibly for the same reason--Dan’s Crypt and the Graveyard are both fairly short.

For me, the art design was certainly part of it, but the game had tons of charm. Maybe I’m looking at it through nostalgia glasses, but I recently played through the original, and I think it's a good game that still holds up.

I think MediEvil could have received the graphical and sound updates while also gaining a few quality of life improvements, like modern camera control, inventory/weapons management, tweaks to make the jumping less frustrating, and tweaks to make the combat slightly less frustrating (for me, mainly aiming with the

I haven’t yet played the demo, nor the PSP remake, but I have recently replayed the first game and I’m partway through a replay of the second, and I believe the first holds up quite well. It’s plenty playable and has tons of charm.