
Yep. Love Letter is probably one of the two most elegantly simple game designs I've ever seen.

Duck Hunt dog wins.

I'd say it was just your friends being horrible. I found the difficulty to be on par with other members of the series (that is to say, pretty challenging if you're playing on higher difficulties, but reasonable on normal, especially considering they added in the whole Battle Save thing)

I very fervently suggest you keep reading :-)

I fully expect the show to be BETTER than the books for covering the AFfC and ADwD novels, specifically because of those reasons - 1) merging the plots so we don't go a whole season without half the cast and 2) cutting a lot of the more extraneous sequences.

They need a boot for the other foot!

"the Jedi go from being a commonplace to a forgotten legend in just one generation"

That last part of that scene is probably one of my few favorite bits from The Office of all time. LMAO, thanks for the link :-)

Man-oh-man could someone please bring this back.

Did you not click through to the article?

Quint from Ain't It Cool News has a ton of awesome set reports as well, if you're interested in that sort of thing. He talks a lot about the location shooting as well.

They did an incredible amount of on-location filming. Three or four of the production diaries cover all of the crazy places in New Zealand they used.

Am I the only who sees this and thinks of Zombies Ate My Neighbors??? Man, I loved that game.

What he doesn't delve into is that while he's right about the capabilities, there are still tons of cities and tons of commuters for no other reason than waste, inefficiency, and a resistance to change.

If it were a universal iOS app, I would not pause at spending $15 dollars on the app. However, I'm not going to buy two different versions of it, and I would like something that doesn't look like crud if I want to play it on my retina iPad.

Doesn't surprise me... where else can you own that much land?

This. Size. 60% of the Maiden datacenter's power is way way more than 100% of the other locations.

This ought to be stressed.

Pure awesome.