
Apple’s mobile/tablet market position is so dominant that many Office features hit iOS first, before even the Windows PC version of the apps. Microsoft’s whole strategy is to be where the users are, and the priority of their efforts tends to reflect the proportion of return they’ll get.

Yeah I think I’m in the same boat. I would really love for someone to confirm whether cannibalism in any form is the “gotcha” - because if it’s not then I am 1000% here for the film based on this article. If it is, *snooze*

One of the best reviews I think I’ve ever read on Kotaku. Really great work, thanks for sharing.

I approve your placement of Kirby’s Dream Course in the upper echelons of the list. It is indeed, as you say, the best golf video game ever made.

So, is it just me, or is there a crazy difference in implication between the ordering of the two words “didn’t” and “really” when you say “didn’t really derail” vs “really didn’t derail”? The latter seems way more confident, the former seems like it’s hedging (and therefore probably not true)

Good review! Just FYI the leader that can play as either England or France is Eleanor of Aquitaine, not Catherine of Aragon.

3%. I watched the first episode subbed, then on episode 2 tried the dubbed version for about 3 minutes before switching back. The characters did not sound like the characters in the dubbed version (which would not be a problem unless you heard the actual voices.)

Just FYI the Kickstarter shipped some time ago and this release is actually partnered with a publisher (AEG) to get the game into distribution and retail stores.

Is it just me or does this article actually not state which of the two cards was banned?

Am I the only one who gets a flash of Heath Ledger from that thumbnail of Gaston? I know it’s not, but MAN.

Have you seen anything like that BreakSafe USB-C cable that is actually good? People really need to be making these, particularly with more laptops getting charge via USB-C

This doesn’t look like anything to me.

The email message to people who have signed up for the ARG at the Discover Westworld site:

Just saw the EW article talking about this thanks to your comment ... it’s only 2 weeks old and I had missed it. Thanks.

Does this tell us absolutely anything about whether or not any/all of the same characters will be returning for season 2? I know the Duffer Bros. had mentioned we should think of this more as a “sequel” than a “season 2".

The bottom-row stuff is in the same order on every board, but the top-row stuff is different orders. This creates different combinations of top and bottom row zones, which I agree is a little wonky when you're first learning - but the value you get in replayability is not to be underestimated. (Even if you always want

Yeah you will find tons of these things fishing in the wrong places...

I’m pretty sure no one here has posted yet, and therefore I should be obligated to tell you, that this is not the original The Legend of Zelda... this is A Link to the Past.

Their other Kickstarter for the digital adaptation of the very highly praised Twilight Struggle board game - much more in their wheelhouse - has also had crazy lapses in communication and lackluster progress. I think they mentioned at one point in that campaign's updates that they had the majority of their programming

As much as I love John Oliver (and I really do) - I’m worried that we might get to the point where the majority of people rely on one person to break down complicated topics for them.