The blonde is the only one I don't really like — I think it has to do with me not wanting to see a Samus Aran copy.
The blonde is the only one I don't really like — I think it has to do with me not wanting to see a Samus Aran copy.
Whenever you put a Bitizen into their Dream Job, you get 3 Bux. As far as I am concerned, if you want a tower that's more than 10 floors or so and you refuse to spend money on the microtransactions, this is the single most important part of the game. Never mind the fact that they double the capacity of your stocked…
They want to know how you obtain the Huntsman, one of the Sniper's alternate weapons (it's a bow.)
I noticed it this morning, but now it's gone for me. I'm pretty sure Google must have reverted this change (or it was a bug to begin with.)
Just so you know, the Outer Banks has the lowest amount of light pollution on the entire Eastern Seaboard. So that's by-itself a big part of why the stars are so crazy in this.
@ Pojodin: Radical Dreamers was more of a side story and AFAIK not really part of the canon they later established with Cross.
"One way pipe cleaner" was new to me... and it's not on Urban Dictionary... is it a masturbation euphemism?
It's funny you say that, because the biggest offender of TouchWiz IMO is easily fixed by LauncherPro: the homescreens and app drawer. I'm currently using a CM7 alpha on my Fascinate, but man-oh-man do I miss the TouchWiz phone dialer and contacts apps, they're great. The DLNA app is better than other options I've…
But with this amount of thought (and presumably investment) put into a phone, wouldn't you be looking to keep it longer than 2 years? Unless the network providers were willing to subsidize these devices too, which I wouldn't imagine they would in a million years.
Absolutely. I think of EQII as a pretty good example of what you're describing on the "unfriendly" end... at least it used to be before they went F2P. Dunno about now.
A video like this removes the the two most visceral pieces of the experience out of skydiving— the feel of, and the sound of, the air rushing by your body at terminal velocity. My first tandem jump had me so disoriented by the sheer foreign nature of those sensory experiences, that what was 60 seconds of freefall…
I WISH I could actually get it... it'd be great if Comcast, or Cox, or anyone at all was allowed to come in and lay fiber and compete with Time Warner here in Charlotte, NC. But, nope.
Umm... everything I'm seeing says 5280 ft, which is definitely a mile. What are you looking at?
The Foo Fighters album "There Is Nothing Left to Lose" had just come out when I discovered and was playing through Final Fantasy VI for the first time. That album was the soundtrack for a lot of the game for me, because I just kept it on loop while I was playing.
That's because it's done by the same guy.
I think some Lenovo machines (the IdeaPads, maybe?) have done the same thing. I hate it.
Well, if this is true, and if they can avoid the fiasco Motorola has jumped into with a rumored-$800-price-tag, they might have a best-in-show Android tablet on their hands.
@Robotronic: I think the biggest problem is the word "marriage" itself. As far as the government is concerned, the term shouldn't exist... there should just be unions of a civil nature, which anyone could get, and that's that. If the assholes at some church want to restrict "marriage" ... well, that's their…