
That's because it's done by the same guy.

I think some Lenovo machines (the IdeaPads, maybe?) have done the same thing. I hate it.

Well, if this is true, and if they can avoid the fiasco Motorola has jumped into with a rumored-$800-price-tag, they might have a best-in-show Android tablet on their hands.

@Robotronic: I think the biggest problem is the word "marriage" itself. As far as the government is concerned, the term shouldn't exist... there should just be unions of a civil nature, which anyone could get, and that's that. If the assholes at some church want to restrict "marriage" ... well, that's their

@Derkaderpader: Yeah, the Windows XP Mode in the Professional and Enterprise/Ultimate editions of Win7 is just a seamlessly-integrated virtual machine running on your box with XP installed, which guarantees virtually no compatibility issues. If it ran on XP, you're golden.

That was a waste of two minutes of my valuable time, can I have it back??

Looks like they're trying to corner the market on drunk-people-impulse-purchases.

@617-VGT: I thought for a minute that maybe they were elliptical and that was a weird way to state the two different diameters... but they look pretty circular to me. Typo on the 10-key, methinks?

Between this and the fact that the update I DID get last week broke USB mass storage mounting on my Fascinate, they're really making it difficult on themselves. A little transparency about all of this instead of canned BS PR responses would go a long ways, methinks.

@MTVAH: Actually if I recall correctly on these newer Lenovo laptops, they reverse the roles on those buttons so that if you had the sleep icon on F4 that you would normally press Fn+F4 for, you actually just press the button alone. Getting the OS-standard "F4" role requires you to hold down the Fn key. I guess they

@nmalinoski: The gold RotJ one says "Revenge of the Jedi" so that's obviously a "limited run" type thing.

Hahaha... converting video to 320x240... my Galaxy S can play all the torrented video I throw at it.

The battery life on my Fascinate has gotten pretty darn good after a couple months of use... so I am thinking the finacée will get that and I'll be buying me some Samsung LTE goodness :)

@dmcshinobi: They completely redid the entire 1-60 experience for Cataclysm, but that content changed for everyone regardless of expansion status. So it sounds like the things you're interested in wouldn't require you to buy an expansion at all (unless you wanted to make a Goblin or Worgen, obviously.)

That voiceover guy has a creepy vibe to him...

This chart seems useless and misleading to me, because it seems to show the number of available torrents instead of downloads from those torrents.

@Drogmir: I think a lot of it has to do with when you read it. Everyone I know who read it in their teenage years, whether they're now 35 or only 15, thought it was much more profound than people who read it as adults at other peoples' recommendation.

@Amsterdaam - I'm not really the city: Most new-in-hardcover titles I've seen in the past several months that I've been interested in have been $15. That's scarcely cheaper than the price I could pay at a volume retailer like Sam's Club or Costco for the actual book.

On my Nook, when I got it almost a year ago, the de facto price for a new eBook was $10. It needed to be lower than that, but in the past year it has only increased.