Using this same logic, can we then talk about why black men didn’t show up for this women’s march (given that black women are on the front lines of the BLM movement) then?
Using this same logic, can we then talk about why black men didn’t show up for this women’s march (given that black women are on the front lines of the BLM movement) then?
No, it isn’t “very rare”. Stranger rapes make up, according to low estimates (i.e. estimates provided by organizations trying to raise awareness of acquaintance rape), a quarter of all rapes.
Yeah, some people are incredibly fucking awful.
And the mysogynistic commenters here getting a lot of ‘stars’. Calling her entitled for sticking up to the police abuse of power. Like just because she’s pretty and white she should keep her mouth shut.
I’m so puzzled by so many of these comments. It all seems to be variations of “the police do far worse things to people who aren’t wealthy white girls”
The irony of your speculating about this girl’s potential future illegal activities is fascinating.
I know where the money comes from, but the point is unless the police keep getting sued when they do ignore people’s rights, even for cases that you personally think are bullshit, then things will only continue to get…
A judge later dismissed the disorderly conduct charges against Winnifred, as it’s not technically illegal to annoy a police officer.
She “interfered” by saying that her friends don’t have to show their ID, as is their right. She wasn’t using the fake ID, so no, she wasn’t sanctioned for that. Just because she has an ally doesn’t mean that she shouldn’t take advantage of that and take the cops to task for their bullshittery.
Dismissing someone’s complaint about their civil rights being violated by the police based on their race and income? And making up excuses as to why the youth deserved the treatment they got? Fascinating...
Tell that to some other commenter who thinks she just needs to shrug it off cause it’s not so bad if you’re rich.
Strong, smart women raise strong, smart women. :-)
Jennifer Bonjean for president.
Actually fuck that—please don’t stop being a civil rights attorney, Jennifer Bonjean.
Damn that mom sounds like a badass. Good for her for standing up for her daughters civil rights. She’s sadly right that it’s the only way we can hold the police accountable. If only every person in her daughters position had a bad ass civil rights attorney mother.
Rock on, the pair of you. Oh, and fuck the tabloids. That is all.
This girl sounds incredibly bad ass, and so does her mother. And fuck the fucking misogynistic media.
Hi, Azealia. I'd like to introduce you to my brother who uses the word "bitch" to describe any woman who simply doesn't do what he thinks she should or who makes a witty comment he didn't think of first or who is one of those kooky independent women who doesn't require his approval.
Why do we all hate people in yoga pants? They're great for asses that just keep getting bigger. Nice and stretchy.
My booty can't fit in anything but flowing skirts or spandex. I wear yoga pants and leggings proudly. You're just jealous of us ladies who make yoga pants look good.