The problem isn’t shows about cops, it’s shows glorifying shitty ones.
I have three friends, two of whom are very close, police officers. I consider all of them good and decent people.
There is plenty of scummy behavior on police forces, that’s for sure. I still don’t know where folks get off making blanket, absolutist statements like ACAB. But then again, we live in the era of DJT, and painting entire swaths of the population in one stroke, thereby demeaning individuals who haven’t a corrupt bone…
You realize we’re talking about a fictional TV show, right? Let me make this clear... “I would hope to see that happen on the fictional TV show that we are talking about.”
They aren’t “cops” on the show. They are detectives. No one has a problem with detectives. Detectives don’t look for criminals. They respond to crimes and try and solve them.
Nathan Grayson is soooooooo wrong here....
I look at this show as more of a comedy than more realistic cop shows that are on TV.
What about the cops that save children from abusive homes? Surely there’s a special place in hell for them because those children should just be beaten to death in peace, right?
What is it with white people and them wanting to cancel stuff that has nothing to do with what’s going on? This is on par with that white girl at Rolling Stone wanting to cancel Olivia Benson (go look at all the comments by black people on that Twitter thread), except dumber because this show is goofy AF. The main…
It’s the best show on TV, it’s a comedy for fucks sake, they aren’t beating people to death on the show. Leave it alone. If the same cast becomes park rangers or something it could be funny, any good cast can be funny anywhere. Getting rid of my beloved Nine Nine!! seems a bit nasty and extreme.
I’m getting the same vibe with this article that I got from Heather’s article a while back about the Cops in Spider-Man, and I’ll say basically the same thing here as I said there.
The show is a work of escapist fiction and, first and foremost, a COMEDY. To ask it to completely change what it is at the core to reflect…
This is by far the most stupid thing I have ever read on Kotaku. If you should generalize that every cop is bad we can generalize that every journalist is really, really dumb taking this article as example. I am a cop and I have helped more people than you can even dream. And wanting to the characters of a TV series…
Yes. Let’s cancel all entertainment programming that does not reflect and support the development of a correct ideology and worldview. Let’s not tolerate the existence of fictional characters whose humanity or complexity tends to distract from the purity and simplicity of truth.
We get it you hate cops 🙄
And although the article digs into it briefly, it bears repeating that the show has never operated in a bubble of “police are always good and people love the police”. They’ve constantly framed conflicts and even entire multi-episode arcs around the fact that there are problems with simply even being an officer, and…
I keep seeing this argument, and it would fit if any of these characters were bad people...but they aren’t.
Heres an idea, maybe let’s not cancel shows just because some police are racist pieces of shit?
Imagine actually getting offended by a comedy cop show, sounds like this the writer of this article needs to get their priorities straight because this is easily the WORST article I've ever barely skimmed through.
“Many episodes only vaguely include police work, or they don’t include it at all.”
The show has done a great job integrated real world social issues but also not making it the main focal point of any story. I like it for the shenanigans, it doesn’t need to be a voice for social issues.