
That apology was terrible, he called it an “unintended tragedy” how was this unintended? he raped her and then urinated on her face. It’s doesn’t surprise me at all he only got the minimum, whatever the minimum was I doubt the judge would have gone much above it. Not for a football player.

There are no words horrible enough to describe a judge that thinks a rapist who drove an unconscious woman to an area to rape and then urinate on her is in any way a victim. How could the video and photographs not destroy any sympathy for you might have for the rapist. Sure he’ll have to register as a sex offender but

Whether or not she remembers it has no bearing on their culpability!

Starred to ungrey you.


Jesus fucking Christ. The fact that the judge called it “one of the saddest cases I’ve ever encountered” while talking about the RAPIST, not the victim, is nauseating. He seems genuinely distressed he couldn’t just say “boys will be boys”and let them off scot free.

The trailer has not only the funniest jokes but also the literal only jokes. The rest of the movie gets eaten up by two (2) car chases (you don’t need animals to drive poorly just because minions did it god damn it fuck minions fuck fuck fuck minions) and Team Dog propaganda.

OT: Another college rape case where the 4 gang rapers get the minimum and the judge cries tears of sympathy saying they all got “life sentences”. No sympathy for the unconscious, gang raped victim.

Woohoo! $$$$$$$$ I hope it continues to crush it.

It’s certainly possible, but that’s not remotely what he said, and he didn’t clarify it in any of his follow-up comments. Just kept blathering on about how the rest of his points were right, so that one didn’t count.

The follow-up was almost funnier than the original comment. He just couldn’t understand why displaying fundamental ignorance of the subject he was bloviating about might prompt multiple people to comment on that fact.

I saw that comment and laughed and laughed and laughed.

Someone on Gawker the other day quite passionately opined that the remake clearly sucked because the actors come from Saturday Night Live.

Highlights from the first two minutes...

I think there's a word for sexual contact with someone or some sentient thing that can't consent. And I don't think it's sex.

I fucking hate that you guys are still covering this pervert, and are practically singing his praises. This is purely disgusting. Period.

Even then, there is the issue of the dolphin being confined against their will.

whoa whoa whoa he just compared zoophilia to interracial sex...

I’m so disgusted I actually want to cry.

Dude has some serious issues.