
So you’re gonna talk about a panther platform car, but not go into detail about what’s under the hood?

*skips the poorly written screed of an article*

We need to do this. 


Panthers are easy to maintain. They have a personality, unlike Toyota or Honda.

I never thought Tom would recommend a Crown Victoria. Hell has frozen over.

This is why, if you're shopping for a new car, you should look into renting prospective vehicles for a week or two before deciding. That at least is cheaper than the sticker price on a car you get buyers remorse on. 

This is stupid. 

Strategic solution: develop a powerful EMP bomb, and detonate it over China. Their electronics shielding is likely garbage. 

I’d consider it if they said Mustang Crew Cabs were qualified. 

Planned obsolescence needs to be legislated out of markets. 

That, and the fact that more people are driving thanks to urban sprawl and a lack of serious acceleration to public transit construction. The Link Light Rail project connecting Seattle to Everett isn't slated to begin until 2022...

It’s simple: if a business has close ties to or is owned by a government, it’s not politically neutral.

“in any act that, in Blizzard’s sole discretion, brings you into public disrepute, offends a portion or group of the public, or otherwise damages Blizzard image.”

I think the pyrofuse is meant to be replaced after being used. 

Why do you think I bought a Crown Victoria and am now dumping my disposable income into restoring and refurbishing it?

The fact that it’s provoking discussion is a good thing. However, I question the credibility of anything that has the “incel” label. On the flip side, loneliness can be quite maddening, and men seem to have it bad when it comes to getting affection.

A very big missed opportunity. It's why I call it Overwank.

Their audience is mostly adults who can't seem to grow up. Ever. 

There are risks to that though. It’s an active base with military secrets, if they let anyone on Willy nilly, that means someone could drop a listening device or spy camera somewhere.