
You are a right cunt, and you deserve to be dealt with the way Al Capone dealt with his rivals. Piss off.

 So it's the simplest explanation per Occam's Razor: operator error. In other words, we got a dumbass here!

This is why our county dispatch is the only dispatch in the county. It eliminates the jurisdictional bullshit and allows them to send out a sheriff. 

Release sedan, roadster, SUV, still doesn’t turn a profit. Now a pickup?

I suggest "coldstone". I dunno, probably because that was the first thing I thought of after reading this article. 

I believe it's necessary to close that damned loophole. 

Further proof that the NRA has completely lost their minds.

Mercury Grand Marquis. Panther platform. Common, but a bit classy, if maintained well, blends decently.

Call the company that owns the station. Bitch up a storm.

One problem: Jerry cans are sold out everywhere in Floridass. This pushes people to use unapproved containers. 

For $1,100 I’d rather pay my rent. As a galaxy note 5 user, I’ve found the escalating prices of the Note line to be absurd.

 I'd rather have retro style pumps than these digitized things. 

Hey, dial back that cloaca hose, shitbird. At least, unlike Derek Smart, Sean Murray delivered a product and continued to improve on it. 

That’s actually incorrect. The radiator on my CVPI has a temperature gate on the coolant hose, which controls when the coolant is being actively circulated.

I’ve been noticing that a lot of departments have been foregoing the pushbars on their SUVs, presumably because unibody construction is more prone to damage.

Get a vinyl decal plate. It’s form fitting, and can’t be stolen.

Cool fact: I saw a car at the local self service garage with a front license plate that was vinyl, applied to the front bumper.

If I ever run a tournament there will be a penalty box in the corner of the room: The Pop Box. If you pop off excessively or in poor taste, you get thrown in the Pop Box and sent to the B bracket where you’ll have to go through additional rounds before you can resume your initial place in the tournament.

Pierce County, actually. 

God fucking damn it.