
Welp. As a disabled filer of taxes, this is supremely shitty. Time to look for alternatives.

It’s simple. There is zero justification.

Better to use the vehicle as a second stage. Initial getaway, you want something disposable. 

 The unattended ones are what you use. There's a Brown Bear self service that's a bit out of the way. Two minutes with a hot rinse would do the trick. 

I’m going to say it has more to do with tires than the vehicle. Can the tires and wheels handle rough treatment without deforming or breaking a belt?

If you buy the base game, and not the expansions, you can just get Shadowbringers which includes all prior expansions. 

I have full coverage on a worn out police cruiser, I'm not surprised. I faced the same budgetary dilemmas, but chose to bite the bullet because it was my first car. I wasn't about to give up. 

Crown Victorias, and Panthers in general, have two short gas struts at the hinge. It's great. Even if one breaks, the other is enough to keep it up. 

I think the ratings on the headlights also include the potential to blind oncoming drivers, which should hurt its score. 

All these comments and even the article doesn’t mention how wet the road looks.

I drive a 2010 Crown Vic. The motivating factor for buying it was affordability and ease of maintenance. Unlike so many modern cars, I don’t actually have to remove the header panel to access the headlights. And there is oodles of room in the engine bay for working on the engine.

We had a section of concrete roadway buckle a foot high in Seattle during the spring heat wave this year. A lady hit it at 40mph, and totaled her car along with a trip to the hospital.

 We do, when the companies worship the shareholder. Everything that can be min-maxed at the expense of the consumer and any other stakeholders, will be.

From some perspectives, yes. But given the bias of Gizmodo and its sister sites, I don’t think you have enough standing to really be taken seriously on such a statement.

You made a journalistic mistake in this article. Writing “despite the fact that President Trump is a very serious threat to American national security” is called injecting opinion into an article that should be formed of facts free from bias.

This is why I chose to get a car that has a reputation for ease of maintenance, and it isn’t ludicrously expensive to do major repairs or refreshing key components (like the rear axle assembly I had replaced in June of ‘18). You will lose out on mileage, but your goal in the beginning should be getting to work and

I had my Crown Vic totaled out due to an accident with a flatbed trailer. Radiator was bent, radiator bottom support was bent; header panel, left fender, bumper assembly, core support, and bumper cover were all damaged. The frame itself was inspected and fixed by the body shop I had it towed to.

And this is where justifiable defense occurs. Fire a laser-riding missile and watch it find the imbecile. 

 Not to mention, it's easy to make forum sock puppet accounts to fabricate the "evidence" of said confusion. 

First, is it captioned? If not, what’s the point of VR for the deaf gamers? Is this where we get left behind...again?