
Case in point, when I bought my ex-cop car, it came with Firehawk GT Pursuits, which is a tough and long lasting compound. Very prone to losing traction, however.

Here’s a solution, Patrick. When doing project cars, make your first one a cosmetic project. Make sure it’s mechanically sound before buying. Then start having fun with improving how it looks and feels inside and outside.

Irony: we get hit by an asteroid that destroys the planet within five years of successfully sustaining and growing a population off-planet.

He saw the low hanging fruit and seized it. 

Now playing

If you want a good winter beater, look at any $3000 panther platform car. They are rock solid, and hard to kill. Bonus: they are a hoot to drive in the snow with TC off.

Unless This heralds a return to user-serviceable vehicles, Ford is just wanking off.

 I'm expecting Waymo to have a chokehold on autonomous cars for a few years. 

Ten points to Ford. Guess I might be keeping the 2020 Ford Police Interceptor Utility on my auction watchlist for the next 10 years. 

I don’t play the identity politics game.

Even calling someone a jerk based on your own conclusions stemming from someone’s statement is still analogous to the behavior I described.

I concur.

This is stupid. Just buy a sonic boom alarm clock with bed shaker. It'll wake you up, guaranteed. 

I think it’s a combination of being able to install cheaper tires, and being able to improve crash survival. When you exceed a certain speed in your vehicle, the odds of survival goes down exponentially.

For instance, my car, a 2010 Ford Crown Victoria Police Interceptor — and panthers in general — are notoriously bad

If the curb was low enough (standard height or lower) and didn’t present a risk to my Queen (Crown Victoria Police Interceptor), I would have just driven forward out of the parking lot, leaving the two idiots baffled.

I blame the big trucks people are driving. Less visibility. Higher insurance premiums.

Yesterday, I missed a red light and blew the intersection. The town was iced over. The other drivers were slow to start and was able to avoid a collision. I’m not a fan of small town roads when they’re part of a routine commute.

I expect there to be an exemption for classic cars, as well as for there to continue being an industry for petroleum even after this — just need to do a better job with emissions control (and we are improving with the newer engines).

If anyone tries to take away my 2010 Crown Victoria Police Interceptor long after

They made the move because Valve’s cut ate too much money that would otherwise go to the devs.

What these kids have done is destroy their families' financial stability for the foreseeable future. This is where, if the financials can't be resolved without losing the family home, I would immediately disown the kid, and send him for adoption. 

I think the bigger problem is that Epic's account security is a joke.