
Valve kind of dug themselves into this situation with their ridiculous 30% cut of all Steam sales. Naturally, gamers are becoming less tethered to Steam as a platform, and with competitors offering a better cut for the developer, it makes more sense to cut Valve out of the equation. 

What really stuck out to me was one of them had the sense to install caution lights on the back of their SUV. That is actually a good idea for regions that get hit by nasty weather on the regular.

If I found this driver in the left lane going the speed limit or 10 under, with a conga line of 10 cars behind her...I would be calling the cops in a hot second.
Seriously, stay out of the fucking left lane, you nitwits, unless you’re passing or you’re in urban freeway traffic.

Ease of maintenance. None of this black box bullshit. A motor shits out, I should be able to order a replacement and install it myself. 

This is where precise usage of a marksman rifle is called for. Eliminate a tire. While they're changing it, take out the other tire. 

It’s funny because Democrats are all about love and peace and inclusiveness, but still shove regressive taxes and fines up people's arses.

You’d be very surprised at how power hungry they can get. A regular CVPI setup kills the battery in 30 minutes, with all electronics on, with the engine off. 

Correct. Hyperion has a severe shortage of crafters. I expect the new cross world feature to have an impact. Hopefully for the better as I hope it will let us shop on other worlds. 

 You do realize the servers with fewer crafters get worse prices than Balmung, right? Like Hyperion. Jesus... that replica Allagan...

I concur. As a fellow Balmung player from 1.0 up to present day. 

I would have gotten out, and beaten him to within an inch of his life with the tire iron for wrecking a perfectly brand new truck. 

400 miles north of Anchorage is Fairbanks. Alaska's 2nd biggest city. 

If I’d been part of the backstage crew, I would’ve had my Crown Victoria ready to tow that lump of fuck off of the ice. Would’ve been a hilarious (and ultimately insulting) scene.

The only way to reverse the course Xi has laid in, is to forcibly destroy their economy. That is to say, encourage the entire West to ditch their manufacturing capacity. Cheap, yes, but it enables them to behave irresponsibly.
Shareholder capitalism has played a role in this, and must be held to account.

What we need is something that bends, but doesn’t break. I would be OK with having reinforcing spars (similar to how NASCAR has it) on the windshield as an option if I’m so terrified of this happening to me.

For the Viera, I’m hoping they go with the Battle Bunny (Body type in second picture) design.

A local company offered to give the new tundra a skin. Maybe they could give it the roasted look without the actual damage.

Four wheels, capacity for four, easy to fix, easy to maintain, budget $3,000-$5,000...with a post-purchase budget of $2k sorting out mechanicals?

My friend, the 2004-2011 Crown Victoria Police Interceptor fits that to a T. Everything on the Vic is easy to wrench on for maintenance, and the average selling price on

Good. Pseudo-modern Final Fantasy games can go burn in a dumpster fire thrown from Mount Everest for all I care.

This is Florida. Common sense ceased to exist there for centuries. This should not surprise anyone.