
What about the Chiss Ascendancy? 

Dealers that try to sell a Crown Vic above actual market value gets torpedoed by my community’s (CrownVic.net) vast knowledgebase.

There was a 2008 CVPI being sold by a Honda dealership in Tacoma earlier this month. After expressing interest in it initially, I took a closer look at the photos. Duct tape on the header

Correct, it’s often taxed at the transaction value, rather than the new-market value. Crown Vics, for instance, are worth $25000 brand new, while used vics range in the $500-$5000. My car, a $3000 purchase, cost me $600 for registration, half of which was the Use Tax in Washington State. That’s a one-time tax that is

Most criminal and civil prosecutions brought by a government agency typically is revenue neutral or actually runs in the red, with the intent of deterring or forcing compliance from others who were not investigated but are potential targets for enforcement.

 What if car designers went with hybrid steel and aluminum construction? Put aluminum in the crush zones, steel where it needs to be tough. 

Those are bumper covers. Cheap as hell to replace. 

I’d be more concerned about that low tire pressure warning. 

Too bad the 1,000 horsepower does nothing about that terrible sight picture through the windshield.

Main issue is that air superiority can also be impacted by ground assets such as the S-400 Anti-Air System. That thing has a stupidly huge range, and that presents a massive risk to the air superiority game.

There are pawn shops in Japan? :U

There are pawn shops in Japan? :U

We need analog cars, period.

Constant Colors’ point was that these revolutions have often been ended up manipulated by the wrong people. The French Revolution started out like a proper revo, but was co-opted by certain rich/influential people to achieve their own endgame.

I’m sorry, Brian. “Powerful moral argument”?

Have you seen the way our global leaders have been behaving lately? China, Russia, America, UK, god knows who else.

Nobody in power cares about the world anymore.

WS-80 or DM-V2. They are both similarly specced and can be used interchangably on a sedan. For my Crown Vic, I picked up the DM-V2's as they were slightly cheaper than the WS-80's.

*stares at you for #2*

I own a CVPI. And I recently threw on some Blizzaks (bit early, but first set of tires I’ve bought and they were on sale), going to be doing some mountain driving up here in Washington.

This winter is expected to be somewhat mild though, so not expecting quality snow driving.

If there is one thing I’d like to experience someday, it’s to direct a war from a position in the highest levels of an organization. I have a hard time appreciating the difficulty and the enormity of the task to begin with, and getting hands on experience would be a great step towards that.

I bet my Killer Queen could do a better job as pace car than that Camry.

Can we just abolish political parties already? Please? This needs to be a turning point against both Republicans and Democrats.

 I'm just glad that people seem to be patient in Washington around my car.