
That’s an officer who learned how to calculate his radar gun against his own vehicle’s speed. In case law, use of radar guns is recommended while stationary as that produces the most accurate reading. 

Scrolled down in the hopes a Volvo would be mentioned. There were none. You disappoint me, jalopnik.

And here it is, ladies and gentlemen. The reason why I refuse to buy a new car. The reason why newer cars are written off faster than you can flip pancakes. The reason why I think the auto industry has fucked up. 

This is a family that deals with things when they get to the bridge, rather than well before it, or after. That’s the American Way.

Correct. $8000 being a lot of money for most Americans is a point that many of our automakers and bankers seem to ignore.

Just remember, surplus vehicles are often a bit rundown. Might have some frame damage, maybe an engine that hasn’t had its spark plugs changed since the factory. Things like that. I consider surplus vehicles worthwhile when properly inspected, since the extra money can go towards improving the vehicle as opposed to

 Yup. Plus, I ordered new ones. Planning to get them resprayed in the same paint color as the body. Classier than the brutish looking black. 

Yes, it’s a light truck. But what part of “busiest intersection in town” did you misunderstand? He was trying to push the truck but it was too slow and posed a risk to the traffic.

Legal when used for their intended application. For road-going use, they have to stay off. There are federal regulations, which are outdated, that cover road lighting. 

A dude in my town had his S10 break down in a turn lane in the busiest intersection of town. I used my old Crown Vic with push bars to get him through the turn and into a parking lot. It wasn’t a rural town either, 6 lane thoroughfare, in all 4 directions.

You’re talking to a Washingtonian. :P

As far as I’m concerned, this comes off as an attempt at implicitly extorting a city that’s already struggling in recovery.

The end result of a system that centers on Shareholder Capitalism.

If I’m on the city council, I would’ve said: “Okay, if you want the tax break, you’ll have to pay for infrastructure improvements around your new headquarters. Because the tax money you would have paid, was meant for that. It’s meant to pay for our police services. It’s meant to pay for our fire services — which is a

Bad idea. If you cause a line of traffic behind you, and a cop sees that, they’re going to rail you for it.

Yes, but my situation applies to drivers who are hanging out in the leftmost lane (not counting HOVs). And you are correct that it is a good idea to allow time to plan for a pass.

In my state, all-white lightbars/emergency lighting is illegal. That guy would get suplexed in court eight times over. So long as your coworker keeps himself properly restrained, there won’t be any problems.

Some jurisdictions expect you to move over if a vehicle is moving faster than you from behind, even if you’re going the speed limit. There’s a very good reason for this: If the driver behind you gets impatient and attempts a pass on the right side — that is an unsafe pass that was prompted by your behavior.

A good question. The transmission on them has a bad reliability rate compared to the Crown Victoria.

A good guide, mate. As the owner of a former police cruiser, this is all pretty much spot on. Though the reason some departments use Tahoes is because they work well — they’re roomy, enough space for multiple suspects (no need to spend $20,000 on a basic paddy wagon), and they can muscle other cars around in a chase