
It’s too blatantly obvious that the video they posted was all 3DCGI. And the director for that teaser has obviously been influenced by a little too much anime.

I’m just gonna slowly extend my middle finger to you, because I would prefer housing laws that give landlords an out when we can prove that the tenant has caused damage to the property without having to deal with the 90-day eviction notice requirement.

Here’s the problem. He’s been in that residence for three years. A lot of housing laws prevent homeowners/subleasers/etc from evicting in a day’s notice if the dweller has been there for at least a month, and she’s going to have to get some legal counsel to help with the matter.

Lemme tell you something, Doster: Tanks aren’t supposed to be easy to disable. If you got nailed by a hull gunner, you did something wrong.

Not sure if you’ll read this, but I’ll tell you this: Hek is a shotgun. It wrecks shit like heck, ‘cause it’s a heckin’ good time.

You mean, the Viper that is the most likely to get you killed?

THEN YOU FUCKING TRAIN TO DEAL WITH THE STRESS. You don’t ignore stress training.

Let’s bang out the bullet points, Arnheim. No pun intended.

Technically there is a murder charge for this. Murder in the Second Degree, alongside Falsely Reporting a Crime. This can bump the sentence up to the maximum.

I find it absurd how this article was written. “Premature”? I would say having those signs point to a laundry room is premature, considering that the vast majority of these shelters are no longer maintained, or have been converted to other needs.

Zone still streams on Picarto from time to time. It’s an interesting thing to watch.

Hahaha...scare-mongering much, Jacob?

So, the stealers got robbed? Great. Fuck them.

No. Prey is a CryEngine product. Obviously by a studio not associated with CryTek, but after how the engine studio decided to go after a crowdfunded project for supposed ‘contract breach’ before it’s even released a game...

No. Prey is a CryEngine product. Obviously by a studio not associated with CryTek, but after how the engine studio

Here’s the problem with Mr. Pai’s decision to behave like this: These videos only provide ammunition for lawsuits. And quite potentially set off a corruption investigation if the Dems take the House in 2018.

If there’s a proper escape/exit/termination clause in the contract, CIG may be able to get off of this scot-free. It’s very possible that the big-shot law firm wasn’t told of all relevant details by Crytek.

Do note that with less than 2% of the vote separating the two, this is easily one of the most divided votes I’ve ever witnessed. Had this been a proper, wholesale repudiation of Moore instead of an even split - which seems to have become the norm in political elections - things would have been put back on track

Just do a Blu-Ray release with both big-eyes and normal-eyes, so we can do a comparison between the two and we’ll decide which one is the superior one. Of course, knowing Hollywood they won’t have the balls to actually do this.

I’d say this to Mr. Cameron and the director: Just because the eyes were big in the source material, doesn’t mean they have to be big in the film adaptation. If anything, the decision to make her eyes abnormally large is about on par with shooting a litter of puppies dead.

This nonsense with police unions is why I have a hard time appreciating labor unions in general. They’re a cancer upon this land that once was a salve for worker equality.