
I’ve been using the old wireless trackball from Logitech for a while, and I’d always wished that it had the option to lever it about 45 degrees to better put my wrist at a neutral position.

Let’s look at Grand Theft Auto Online for the PC. There is a burgeoning cheating community there because of Rockstar and Take Two’s obsession with Shark Cards. They continue to add late-game content without making the older content easier to access. A lot of new players are very, very put off by this and are thus

I’m laughing at the total scuzz of these internet-leftists commenting on the confederate flags. I admit, seeing the flags prompted an eyebrow twitch, but I didn’t really think it was a big deal. I mean, it’s their HOME, people. They’re free to display what they like as long as they don’t start farting about it in

So it’s an “upgraded” clone of Running With Rifles.

So they can afford to spend time on a mode like this, but not on bringing the historical accuracy of WW2 to this game? Activision sure has their priorities straight! /s

And this is why, if I were holding a competition, I would demand that sponsors front the money first into an escrow account to be released once the competition ends. That way, they can’t weasel their way out of paying the appropriate prizes.

I don’t suppose it has occurred to anyone that this kind of game is something I’d love to play, yet my severe hearing loss precludes me from actually enjoying it. Does anyone have a viable solution at all?

Yup, that’s definitely something exploding in one of the wheel wells - you could see a few sparks trailing behind and to the right of Logano’s car. Something caused it to spin like that.

This would have been far more interesting if they had put more effort into telling the story of the entire war, starting with the British’s retreat at Dunkirk and concluding with the assault on Berlin. It would give the players a reason to actually feel invested in the war, as opposed to being dropped right into it in

There is one reason why I quit sim racing games. They stopped properly modeling damage on the vehicles themselves, so seeing cars crash and pinball off the wall with still-pristine bodies really takes me out of the game.

What about Deaf people who want to get into D&D? How does that shit even work?

“Our P2P doesn’t have a normal hosting system” = “Listen to my bullshit so you’ll buy our game anyway, despite all the flaws it has.”

Chances are you’re probably going to get NDA’d at the factory so you can’t share it. :|

Here’s a little tip: SAM Sites will shoot your ass down if you’re careless.

The controls are actually different based on how fast the chopper’s moving. Low speed: LSHIFT/CTRL is up/down, while WS is pitch forward/pitch back. At higher speeds, you can release the pitch controls and just lean on LSHIFT to maintain speed and altitude. At the high speed, pitch controls your altitude.

Kirk, I have a laundry list of pros and cons of the game. I think you’ll be struck by how I make one very obvious conclusion (in the paragraph about procedural mission generation) about Wildlands, based on prior experience with games in the same genre:

This would be a colossal shot across the bow. Imagine an entire PC bang suddenly finding themselves softbanned because someone cheated. All the users would be witch-hunting for the bastard who did it.

Simple solution: Hit the PC bangs in the wallet. If they permit cheating, they lose the license for Overwatch. I don’t care if it hurts the market, the point is that if it’s expensive to replace losses, the players will avoid getting themselves blacklisted by every possible PC bang imaginable.

In other words, Mozilla is still being a bunch of retards trying to profit off of their “begging for donations” pages that appears on Firefox routinely. I haven’t seen them *actually* try to address the problems with Firefox.

This is pretty vanilla compared to the shit I’ve seen on the internet. People need to learn that sexual expression is good, not bad. If we were all sexually repressed people for all our lives, something’s gonna explode.