
My advice to any social-facing tech company: Don’t treat your users and content creators like idiots. Especially when they bring numbers, statistics and histograms into the argument. It just makes you look like an imbecile.

Is it? I plan on buying a T-45 transmission after I’ve picked up a used compatible car. (I’ll let you guess which one it is.)

Trainers hardly existed in the 90's. It was more console commands back then. :p

Dropped you an email with a link to a local news article stating that WotC has replaced most of Cassius’ cards.

This crap is really easy to program for. Now, develop a steam train simulator, Japan. Then I’ll consider you the “king” of train sims. Kotaku, you had one job.

They did show that it was at least bombproof.

It’s not all that different from toxicity in, hello, League of Legends. :P

No, the contract was given to him in good faith. Well, that good faith fucked the team. This is why when developing contracts, you have to safeguard the project itself.

TL;DR - Sony fucked up by making the PS3 needlessly complex. Fuck the Playstation3.

Oh, they would indeed be justified. I’m just saying that there’s a chance Disney would suffer for it on the PR front.

Further proof that I believe China needs to be nuked off the face of the planet. Tasteless comment, I know, but when you consider that it’s a cesspool of people who are looking to rip each other off constantly, and the government actively or passively promotes that kind of behavior, it calls into question the

And in the process ruin the studio’s work on their other projects? They won’t agree to it. They would say “Hell fucking no”, and shut down Galaxy in Turmoil instead - but the PR flack that Disney would stand to catch for using such pressure tactics, would have the potential to overshadow any work they try to do with

I’m downloading my Final Fantasy XIV client onto my Surface Pro over one of the worst internet connections I’ve ever encountered this decade. 0.3 MB/s peak, and it’s island internet provided by Frontier Communications. Fuckers need to upgrade from copper lines already.

And this is where Microsoft doesn’t realize they are opening themselves up to liability; if they cause a business undue hardship with their methods, then they could be on the hook for damages.

My complaint with Windows 10 is how Microsoft is acting incrediby desperate for your user data. They baked the telemetry software right into the Operating System (which is contrary to what an OS should be), and you can’t even turn off its data collection functions entirely.

Pardon my rudeness, but all of you muppets in the comments are thinking WA is a Right-To-Work state?

Incorrect. As a WA resident, this state falls under At-Will, not Right to Work. Sorry.

At this point Microsoft is just opening themselves up to lawsuits over lost productivity because they pushed these unprompted upgrades on users.

You want to talk about irritation? Try being a Deaf gamer, and being completely left in the fucking dark on what is even fucking going on! I’ve tweeted to @PlayOverwatch asking for subs on these videos and as usual for big, asshole companies that are self-interested, they are CLUELESS.

And this shit is exactly why I refuse to upgrade to Windows 10. It’s extremely disingenuous behavior, and it certainly does not help productivity if it causes technical problems.