
I'm thinking someone jacked a shipment and redirected it to the eBayer.

Here's a fun fact: A lot of people I know who have worked with Rockstar think they're dicks. This is yet another example of said dickery.

Vector lines. Pretty easy.

That is pretty much bullshit right there, yes.

Welcome to New Eden, Soldier.

Wait. This isn't coming out for PC? Wow. Laaaame.

Square Enix has been very much tone-deaf to a lot of people lately. It's really disapointing.

I would blame the senior staff under him. Tanaka used to be among that circle, before he was forced out.

It's time to let go of the franchise as a whole. Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn is pretty much Square Enix's Hail Mary pass to fix the franchise.

The correct spelling is Tyrrax Thorrk. He owned multiple unique ships, and blew them up on a regular basis. His biggest offense was the destruction of the Gold Magnate, a one-of-a-kind frigate that was awarded at one of the earliest CCP-hosted tournaments.

I'd be amazed if nVidia reported them, because nVidia has been known to cheat on benchmark tests at the turn of the century.

Sadly, most politicians, if presented with your article, would have stopped reading upon seeing you make your admission that you would have been a likely candidate to be a shooter. They would immediately jump on that and run around screaming "WE HAVE A SCHOOL SHOOTER AND HE PLAYS VIDEO GAMES!"

I know. Every time I think about those individuals, my brain screams in agony.

Unless it's Area 51. Then you're facing jail time. That place has been the exception to the rule.

You're also delusional. People who don't reasonably respond to a reporter's questions is, without a doubt, someone who's crazy.

He's a delusional laser-brain who deserves to be committed to an institution. People like him are why people attack the First and Second Amendments.

He has some skills, yes. But I think he's out of his league when it comes to completing FFXIII Versus. It's stuck in development hell, and I don't think he has anything worth showing to prove that he's not gone bad.

I say we go with Ancient Mesopotamia. The Ishtar is the Goddess of Love and War.

My wish? ArmA 3 to release in 2013.

I already have USB 3.0 on my desktop PC. I can safely tell you: HOLY FUCK IT IS FAST.