
That's easy, look up what SWG had toward the end of its lifetime: Quest Forge, storyteller NPC tokens (combat and non combat), props (like X-wings and YT1300s, along with walls and the like), and more. The key to emergent experiences is to create a strong and robust foundation upon which the players can play.

Actually, if they made it more sandbox-esque, it would work. Make your own stories... :)

I think the reason why the UI looks like crap, is because the game was run at 720p resolution, and not at 1080. If it had been 1080p, all the icons and UI elements would have been a LOT smaller.

WarZ needs to be shut down. I don't understand why it even exists.

Shut up and get out. We have a special corner for delusional laser-brains like you.

There's a clinical trial going on for Lou Gehrig's Disease. It injects stem cells into the spinal column, and it has the potential to halt the damage, if not gradually reverse it. If you look it up, you should find an article about someone who regained his strength after undergoing the trials.

Yep. It was probably one of the more enjoyable shooters in the Star Wars universe.

Looks like Google noticed this article and put things right. :)

There's a reason they needed to build Luminous: Crystal Tools is garbage.

Who's the idiot that approved this message?! (Referring to that asshat "spambot" post)

Hmm. The largest market for consoles are the PS3 and 360 markets...interesting. Although the 360 appears to have had a sharp decline. I wonder why that is?

Their audience were the ones who started the conversation, not the developers themselves. It shouldn't be a reason for Kotaku to jump on them as if they're a bunch of gay-hating commies.

That's about as bad as the mainstream media "not comprehending" the H-game industry in Japan.

Square is being careful with the subject because they do not fully understand the situation of gay marriage here in the States. As some people would say "better safe than sorry".

I think they're concerned about getting blowback from the more conservative elements in America, which is understandable given that they have global appeal as a major company.

Fixed. Thanks for bringing it up.

This is a pretty stupid subject to bring up. First off, they're Japanese, and secondly, they don't fully comprehend the whole "marriage equality" situation that's going on in America right now.

Try asking the site to send you the email a few times. The other two email requests I filed just came through, lol...

Because I forgot my own password for Origin, I haven't been able to log in. (I rarely use Origin, so it's no surprise that I would forget.)