
They will be posting a translated version of the stream this week or next week.

It's becoming clear that Microsoft has no interest in respecting their users. They have consistently pushed specific DirectX updates to certain OS platforms (DX10 for Vista, 11 for Win7).

Have you seen the Live Letter stream that was broadcast last night? They said they were able to get 800 people on one server node, and that they were able to render over 100 people onscreen at once. (With actual visual demonstration of a giant army of players following Yoshi-P's character around!)

The new game engine will allow you to play, I promise you that. If I'm wrong, you're allowed to kick my ass.

I'm not going to spend money on an annual subscription just for racing once every month or so. That's a horrible waste of money. Screw that.

I wish these NASCAR licensors would just put out their titles on the PC already. I'm kind of tired of the "console exclusivity". There are a lot of NASCAR fans on PC, you know.

One problem: Pot is still illegal at the Federal level, and Seattle has a fairly strong federal presence. (It *is* a Democratic bastion after all...)

Well played, Hidetaka Miyazaki. Well played.

Logical. And it sucks. :(

I have no response to that, because quite simply, if people think it's OK to kill an entire nation - even if that nation was forcibly created - then they're no longer human beings to me.

That's easy. Jewish Americans are a major bloc within America's political structure. Any politician that even suggests pulling (or attaching conditions to) Israel's financial/military assistance would be committing political suicide.

I don't want my President to be enabling Israel's idiocy, thank you very much.

In b4 Rule34...

Oh. My God. They destroyed so many TB hard drives. Why did they DO that?! They could have, you know, just erased their drives with a little-known program that puts trash data onto the drive to erase any old data.

Don't say "Swoop in"...makes you sound like a vulture! :p

Solstheim is considered to be part of Morrowind's sphere of influence. Either way, Solstheim should be an interesting place to return to - it DID serve as the setting for a nord outpost and the lore for Hircine in TES3.

Apple has a pattern of being out of touch with a lot of audiences. Like gamers.

I do hope that was sarcasm.

I'm too dignified to swear constantly like a sailor, good sah!

Could work. :p