
As a Deaf gamer... FUCK YOU.

Research Mind Shields. Get them made. Return to the final zone. Punch shiat until they die.

It bears noting that this is still a product in its alpha/beta stage of development.

I've had a lousy week. Sorry.

I would say this, then: Look forward to seeing the game vastly rebuilt and improved upon its previous incarnation. Think of it like its better, more functional twin brother.

... really? There are still people around like this who don't bother to do a little research?

$10 says Mojang goes under because of excessive purchases. This reminds me of Ion Storm.

The average person's limit is about 48 hours. I don't blame him for falling asleep. :)

He's trying to draw fire away from his squad. AKA, announcing his position and getting as much taliban on his ass as possible. It's a very brave, and scary move to do.

Clay Bennett is an asshole anyway. You can have him and his stupid team. I was more interested in having the Edmonton Oilers come to Seattle. :3

Here's the reality: fate has decreed that the NFL suffer a price for their stupidassery for Super Bowl XL.

I still think we should keep the replacement refs. They shook up the game enough, and I like it that way. Here are the reasons:

Where was all this outcry when the Seattle Seahawks got robbed of their fair shot in the Super Bowl XL? There were quite a few blown calls in that game...oh, it's because nobody cares about Seattle's sports teams.

I agree with that, at least. Considering that PCs are constantly evolving, it would have been better for Sony to wait until after PCs were running parallel software programming, before betting on the new architecture.

PS3 is an order of magnitude more difficult to program for compared to the Xbox 360. A lot of developers have had to come up with workarounds to get a multi-platform game to behave properly on the Playstation platform. This is indicative of a problem with the PlayStation 3's architecture, as well as the train of

I am not going to blame Platinum. I blame Sony's shitty, ass-backwards thinking when it comes to building and designing a console.

Microsoft's service to have your Xbox 360 repaired/replaced out-of-warranty is around $99. Cheaper than shelling out $150. Takes a few more steps though.

You do know that in some cases of redring, Microsoft just sends you a replacement unit that they've refurbished themselves, right?

Agreed. I had a 360 that was one of the early production models (first year of release), and it lasted 7 years before finally red-ringing on me during Deus Ex: Human Revolution. I still have it, as I plan to send it to Microsoft for an out-of-warranty repair service. Cheaper to do than paying $150 out the nose for a

I lament the fact that we have mouth-breathing idiots for human beings. They have completely lost the capacity to utilize critical thinking skills.