
Again another uninformed comment. We're talking a total environment redesign, a game engine rewrite, and a server system rewrite. Did you really expect it all to happen in six months?

You're being a pessimist. What Square is doing is basically unprecedented. Game initially fails hard, Square makes amends by giving free access while they reshuffle dev team. They proceed to rebuild the game - this isn't just a graphical reoptimization or gameplay fix. They are rebuilding the game from the server up.

$5,000 is actually the average for a four-person home for a full family.

Now playing

You mean, like this? Granted, not as much gameplay, but everything is in-engine.

There's a problem with the trailer - quite a few stutters. I think there's been a problem on the encoding side during upload, or before. Square will probably address it eventually.

Oh my god. This needs to be made into an "X-Wing" series. I mean, like, from the books. The book series.

Because some parts of HL1 could not be replicated in HL2 without another massive investment of time and energy.

This is precisely what I felt. I've been sick with grief all day. I never met the guy, I don't know the guy, but I used to play EVE online, and I remember talking to him at least once - don't know what was discussed, but he came across as a logical person.

Sure, let's take characters from two fairly tired online franchises and put them together in one scene. I'll take a pass, thanks.

The comparison is that Ubisoft is a bunch of tea-sipping pansies that don't understand the mentalities of pirates, and therefore will do whatever they can to smother the "threat". In other words, just like what the Nazis did - they didn't understand the Jews, so they wanted to wipe them out.

Well, if we're going to run the risk of Godwin's Law in the first place, may as well nail it to the wall and fuck it in the ear before anybody gets to comment, hmm?

To be honest, this was anticipated considering the market and how Korean MMOs are something of a niche.

I cannot disagree with you. I wonder why they haven't bothered to do a nighttime pack yet...

And this is why, for my Kickstarter project, I am not planning on offering rewards with values over $500. Less chance of a problem.

Sir. COMPLETE overhaul.

With SWG, the redesign was the NGE, and it was mandated by LucasArts in response to World of Warcraft. It effectively killed Star Wars Galaxies in the realm of "big buck MMOs".

*taps Kate Cox on the shoulder*

Being a fan of COPS myself, this could've used some subtitles here.

This dance again, Ubisoft?

I cannot disagree with you here. It needs to be addressed, and hopefully soon, in a constructive manner.