
Whoops. Well, there's always Ys...

Try a few JRPGs. Rogue Galaxy, Xenosaga, and .hack//G.U. are my recommendations on the PS2. I have no suggestions for the 360 or PS3 :)

Do you boys ever do English-to-Japanese game translations?

I can understand that from a storywriting perspective. Art direction and game design wise, not so much.

You're forgetting that there are no community servers up for people to play "for free". This effectively forces us early adopters to wait, and wait, and wait for server hosts to actually start hosting the MvM servers.

Update went live, and you know what? Someone fucked up!

Already on the way, sir. We have male Miqo'tes that will become playable in FFXIV: A Realm Reborn. It's been confirmed.

I would go for Durandal, as one of the biggest guilds is on there - Blue Garter. They have open recruitment right now, and that's your best shot for starting out. I'm on Balmung, personally.

Consider for a moment that the high end gaming machines can run you about $3,000...

You do literature lessons? Get in touch with me - I need to work on my writing sometime, and I'm wondering if you can help me with a few things on my script.

Can you get yourself $600 to spend? If you can, that's money that can buy you all the components you need to build yourself a budget gaming rig that will work for 2003 games, and even 2012 games.

I already made my opinion known in the Disqus comments section. I don't need to say any more.

Or to keep westerners from hacking the game. Which is pointless given that Sega has a shit record in building safeguards against hackers.

Well. Technically KOS-MOS from Xenosaga qualifies, since she appeared on the Nintendo DS with Super Robot Taisen OG Saga Endless Frontier.

Curiosity is the size of a car. Weighs one ton. The other rovers were just a fraction of that. We also used an unconventional landing system that makes it feasible to bring larger equipment to Mars and quite possibly habitation modules and personnel.

Nice job being the first poster, and being a closed-minded douchenard to boot. My answer? Fuck you and your opinion - we just landed a fucking car on the planet! One ton of metal. That means we could potentially land two tons, three tons on that planet and eventually a man, and the equipment required to survive in

I'm pretty sure they have a system in place for dealing with the so-called roach laden filth traps. Unless you're talking about the hookers behind the establishment...?

With Win8 and proper motion control, I could see this becoming an interesting combination.

The reason this was released was to indicate that AMC was dropped by DISH Networks on purpose to gain leverage in a lawsuit wholly unrelated to the shows. That is, from my perspective, very bad form.

Now playing

For those interested in exploring this game, seek out Feral Ren on the Balmung Server.