
They're called Legatus. There are two of them so far; Nael Van Darnus - known as the White Raven, of whom I just clobbered in a Grand Company quest, and Gaius Van Baelsar - the Black Wolf.

V-22B's, AIM-9B's. Blocks are lettered, not numbered.

The V-22 is the first of its kind that has gone into mass production. Any future tilt-rotors we have will probably get fewer problems out of the starting block.

Shaundahkal isn't a credible source as far as I'm concerned. Yes, Ospreys have had issues. But these things he's describing are from the Osprey's development years - that was the V-22's Block A prototype. Have we heard any horror stories about Osprey Block B having problems? Very few, if any. That's the important part.

Well, I just really don't see the point in buying shit when you already bought the fucking game.

Here's the thing.

Criminals will ignore the law to achieve their objectives. Banning firearms isn't going to do anything apart from disarming the civilian population and thus creating a "wolf and the lambs" situation, quite literally.

Actually, automatics are available to the public in various states such as Arizona, Utah, and Montana. Kentucky, too. It just requires a special license. However, because possession of automatics are not banned in those states, they can change hands easily between unscrupulous individuals without federal oversight.

Square Enix seems to be suffering from a severe case of an inability to hit production milestones in a meaningful time frame. This means that they've been spinning their wheels for half the time, instead of actually getting work done.

Far as I'm concerned, Final Fantasy Versus XIII is a product that has been in development for too long, and is sucking up company resources that would have been better applied elsewhere. If you cannot get a functioning demo released of the game in six years, you're clearly doing something wrong.

So what? You could release marketing stuff like that and still not impact the final decision of the top brass. I don't think it's a safe bet for Square Enix to do another game with "Final Fantasy XIII" in it, considering how badly bungled the first FF13 game was.

Angry or not, I think it's a good move. After the abortion that was FF13, the FF13 name has been tainted. It's better for Square to move forward and transfer their assets from FF13 Versus into FFXV. As a producer, I would be pretty mad if I had to dump five years' worth of work.

You just made yourself look like an utter douchenozzle with your failure to read through the article. Shut up, delete your Gawker account, and get out.

That's Dana White, the owner of UFC? Are you kidding me? I was expecting him to be a stuck-up Executive-type.

And this is why I firmly believe that my game project should never be placed on the Xbox platform. I'm not going to *pay* Microsoft one cent for the "privilege" of using their platform, when that kind of cost simply hurts the bottom line of an independent developer - in some cases, possibly wiping out any kind of

True dat. However, saying it out loud in person at the show is one thing. Saying it on Twitter during the show is another thing entirely.

Is the guy on the right holding open the fly to his pants? If so, that is disturbing.

Do the article, then. We'd love to hear the publisher's perspectives on Kickstarter.

Grow a pair and answer the kickstarter question, sir. Perhaps you wouldn't be smarting this much if you had been polling the gaming masses about what game IPs Publisher X should be reviving.

I need to attend one of these things so I can experience it. Of course, being Deaf offers its advantages and weaknesses.