
Well, all of them have been used. That was fast for just 200 keys...

Eeeugh. Don't remind me. :<

I honestly thought that Lin Beifong, having lost her bending, would opt to become a badass whip-wielding vigilante with her gang of former benders backing her up. Kind of like a group of non-emo batmans that know how to make use of a bad situation. It would also help improve the nonbender-vs-bender narrative by having

This must have been a beta tester's first try on this, and the results are pretty amazing. I wonder what it'd be like to use Source Filmmaker if you imported your own character models.

The Pyro has visited.

This shouldn't even be a topic of discussion.

Take that shit back to youtube please, don't post this shit here.

Letting a game with "Final Fantasy" in it die is tantamount to murdering your firstborn. Would you do it?

That's why they are overhauling it, sir. Version 2.0 comes Winter 2012/13.

I'm not saying shut them down for general service. I'm saying that there needs to be a way to make it so that an emergency provider can verify the location of the caller regardless of the call's format. That way, if a call comes from Canada, and the address given is in America, the case should be handled with care

You can always commission me to do the art. God knows I could use the money. I also find it endearing that you would use Kokonoe to express yourself here. :)

As a Deaf person, and as someone who believes it's important to have some means of dealing with false calls (I've dealt with a few false calls in the past...), I really think the law needs to be passed.

Now put that into a powerpoint presentation and email it to the company's executives. Make the last slide say "Release your goddamn Tales games in the SUMMER, not the WINTER, you ramen-eating chunderheads."

I don't get why Banco won't try to actually port these games to the West. Is it because you guys got burned on Tales of Vesperia?

Agreed. =.=

You'll find it interesting. I still think the dumb bitch, Daala, needs to fuck off. :|

I'd consider this a Day-One-Buy if they actually made a TV series that took place after the Yuuzhan Vong story arc.

My statement to those who think Max Payne 3 stays true to the original games: NO IT DOESN'T. Know why? Shootdodge was central. Now? It's just cover, cover, cover, hope you get a headshot and shoot dodge sparingly.

ACE2 is a bit heavy, especially when it involves equipping up and getting ready to go out on an operation. It just requires too much time investment compared to vanilla Combined Operations.

Doing that would have gotten him banned from Shack Tactical. These guys are way too serious for the average gamer.