
"Should be" being the operative phrase. The problem is that NCSoft has not made a significant - or visible - effort to market Blade & Soul in the West from the beginning, which indicates to me that they don't have a very strong understanding of the Western MMO gaming DNA.

It happens more often with people whose digestive systems are not as efficient as they ought to be.

In its current state, sure. But it doesn't have to be.

Usually one bowl is enough to make it happen. It's kinda like some kind of pigment dye for your entire intestine. Any other food that passes through it ends up picking up the green...

You're assuming that in a teamplay environment, I do whatever I want... That's a pretty idiotic thing to do. Prove to me that you can lead effectively and account for all known factors, then I will follow. It's not that hard.

Here's a fun fact: I have not had problems in small squad scenarios where the leader accounted for my disability, pointed out my role, and gave me the full plan rundown. When I asked about possible scenario deviations, the leader would take a moment to consider and then provide an appropriate response action to those

The funny thing is, such a system already exists in ArmA II. People just rarely use it because it's an extremely cumbersome system to utilize. It's faster for people to shout stuff into their microphone than holding down the keys to navigate the commands menu...

By refusing to even consider accommodating me, don't you think they're being judgmental of me in the first place?

Oh, the whole balance of power thing, huh? That's a new angle. Maybe that had something to do with it. Dslyexci is a former Marine - or so he told me, and has claimed to be an Battlespace scenario producer for a company/organization outside ShackTac. If both claims are true, I would believe the "balance of power"

Dude. I'm already working on my own goals. ArmA is probably one of the furthest things on my mind right now, but as a particular personality type, I don't like being reminded of my problems with certain individuals/organizations/cultures.

I don't expect them to "cater" to me. I expect them to make at least a DECENT effort to accommodate communication needs between myself and the rest of the team.

Their group and their rules, yeah. But when I'm a gamer looking to have fun in the long term and they basically cockblock me with their over-dependence on voice communications, am I supposed to really appreciate that? (Note: This happened YEARS ago, when I was involved with TacticalGamer. My first experience with a

Sorry, after how Dslyexci basically blew me off with my hearing disabilities, I have very little interest in being involved with ShackTac. I've also heard that Dslyexci also is a very tight-assed person when it comes to executing mission scenarios - from those stories, it seems that he doesn't like the slightest

I'm not sure why people are giving Dslyecxi lip service. His clan is an extremely elitist organization that I found to be restrictive and unemphatic to my issues when I was interested in being involved with ShackTac back in the days of ArmA 1.

Lucky Charms makes you poop green. I don't know if that's awesome or horrible.

Not really, it's nVidia who's been the jerkwads lately. PhysX, refusal to bridge PhysX to AMD/ATI support, refusal to support Linux, and a whole host of other crap just continues to push me back to ATI.

Goddamn idiot. Get your facts straight next time.

When I saw that headline picture, the first thing that came to mind wasn't, "She's falling".

Fuck you, Capcom.

I will tell you though. If anyone lets me near a lead designer from Rockstar, pain will be dished out. :|