
There are still some glaring examples. Here's one: Max Payne 3 has an opening cinematic that you get before the main menu, and it's a one-time run thing. It's narrated.

In 20 years, developers and video producers will still be too lazy to bother adding subtitles to their products.

Initially, MGSR was going to come out for the PC. Will this still be true? I hope so, because I'd like to pick it up for my desktop.

I'm playing World of Tanks.

The question is, is there a female version of the Vampire Lord? 'cause if there isn't, Bethsoft isn't giving service to gender equality. (Werewolves are androgynous, or male. They're mammals, man. Where are the giant tits and dongs?..oh wait, they're already existent in a MOD.)

I don't care if we're productive because we're all implanted with biochips and smartphones in our hands, it ain't efficient if more than half the population can't use logic to figure out exactly WTF is wrong with our country. :|

If you played Max Payne 3 as though you were playing the sequel to the movie "Man on Fire", it kind of works.

American workers, more efficient? Please, sir. What have you been smoking?

"Fix the law, fix the problem" doesn't really fix the problem when even the government doesn't follow its own laws.

...if it's Usher, someone's gonna be in trouble.

I quite honestly don't care about what happens to Kim Dotcom, but I am personally concerned about the legitimate users that were utilizing MegaUpload.

This, a thousand times this, Kellen.

It's simple. There are companies out there that actually compile personally identifiable information and make it available to you for a fee.

You know, it's that kind of attitude that's caused the Seattle area to go to shit lately. Gang crime is on the rise because of an anti-snitch atmosphere/culture.

Even with my hearing loss and my hearing aid tucked away on my desk, I could tell that this video was fake. It obviously takes some kind of celebrity (micro celebrity?) lecture and combines it with a fake video.

They already do that, sir. They actually use 3D printers to manufacture parts for 3D printers.

That picture makes me crave some delicious Coldstone.

Either way, 35m is awfully close to 38. ;p

It's funny, though.

I wonder how this could be applied to racing games. Like NASCAR, or even DiRT.